Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hillary lite

Same nasty taste, half the calories.

Rudy is the product of a scared party. Republicans are scared of hillary and rightly they should be. Her policies are dangerous, not to mention expensive. Any informed voter must know that hillary is the wrong choice, but who else should I vote for? Rudy? Doesn't Rudy side with hillary on almost every issue? Yes. So why Rudy? Because our party is scared. However this is not the correct response to such a fear. Choosing the lesser of two posions is a ignorant way to vote in a democratic society. We have the power. Recently we(students)were referred to generation Q as in quite. Yea we sit behind our computer screens but have you got out there and told someone about your favorite canidate? Have you wrote your congressman a hand written letter? Have you actively participated in the political process? I am not growing up in Generation Q. MY VOICE is hillary's, big government's biggest fear. What about you? Take a chance, speak out, and change the world. Maybe the next person you talk to never heard of Huckabee before. What do you have to lose?

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