Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Republican CNN/YouTube debate liveblog recap

Over the next two hours I will brings you a live update, at times question by question, of the candidates' responses to the questions asked. Please stay tune. All times are central standard time.

7:00 - Republican CNN/YouTube debate begins. Huckabee predebate fundraising number: $1,419,501.00.

7:04 - Governor Huckabee is introduced. Not next to Ron Paul this time, interesting. Huckabee and Rudy and obviously Ron Paul got the greatest cheers. Rt to Left: Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, John McCain, Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Tom Tancredo

7:05 - Anderson mentions Huckabee being on top in Iowa.

7:08 - and the debate hasn't begun...great time allocation CNN.

7:10 - great video

7:11 - Tough question on immigration to Rudy, good response. Rudy and Mitt on each other throats. Not the type leader I want to run my country that is interested in damaging each other rather than raising the party and our issues to the front.

7:16 - Rudy gets booed.

7:17-19 - Fred mumbling and "Uhhhhh"ing for about 2 minutes. ZZZzzz.

7:20 - McCain gets heckled on immigration saying "I would veto sanctuary, I didn't offer that". Illegal Aliens are humans too, seems like McCain is stealing Huckabee's message.

7:22 - Tancredo yell what about the rest of us? He gets a question: Will not aid further "mass immigration" Give jobs to Americans, good message. Hunter is up - Fence, fence, fence.

7:26 - Huckabee is up finally. Tough question. VA Bill of Rights should be mentioned. That-a-boy set the record strait. He mentioned it!!!

7:28 - Mitt likes Mike?? Oh no Mitt got appauled for that. Huckabee got a greater applause. I am glad they are next to each other it like a mini-Iowa show down.

7:31 - American Union question to Ron Paul. Au is a bad deal.

7:33 - Next question, National debt - McCain "congress spends too much" His best message and funny joke about bears. Veto pen from Reagan? Awesome!

7:35 - Romney, got any hair gel? Mentions healthcare? maybe a bad thing for him.

7:37 - Cut Gov programs Thompson- more mubbling no true answer. We know we need reform. Now to Paul - Loud cheer. Dept of Ed, Energy and Homeland Security. Anderson calls time early.

7:39 - Huckabee IRS!!! Fairtax, Homeland security reform. Laugh and applause.

7:40 - McCain Fair tax question. He does not support it. Spend money on a commission to save money?? Attacks Paul and gets Cheers and Boos. Isolationism causes WWII. Troops tell Paul "Let us win, let us fight" That a boy McCain.

7:45 - Substitutes: Fiscally responsible, good wording. Off to Romney: Nervous? Summary - Secure food supply and needed for world market competition.

7:48 - Rudy gets asked about Politico story. Denies, Anderson does not follow up on FoxNews' candidate, interesting.

7:49 - Tancredo takes on hillary.

7:50 - Lead toy question. Tancredo 1st up: Red China is a big issue I hope they ask Huckabee about this because I am not sure about his position on this. Hunter is up next: Boycott China and Buy America for Christmas.

7:52 - Thompson's is an attack ad on Mitt and Huck. Why don't you tell us about your issues for once and stop mumbling? Romney admits he is wrong. Great first step but I still don't want to trust him with the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices that could overturn Roe v Wade. He did seem authentic when he apologized. Huckabee responds to tax video by saying one tax went up 1 cent and listing tax cuts and claiming to be fiscally conservative. "If you are getting kicked in the rear your still out front." Could have been stronger. Thompson really made a bad choice on that one. Made him look bad and Mitt good and Huckabee unaffected. Commercial break.

7:58 - Commercial over. McCain video, hillary attack ad. Weak.

7:59 - Gun question. NRA member, funny. Ask Rudy please!!!

8:00 - March 21, 2000 Rudy says to own a gun you must pass a test before you can OWN a gun. Rudy is a gun controlling liberal. Government can impose reasonable regulations on Gun owning!!! No sir. Rudy got booed. Can I set limits on your right to free speech? or press? More booing. Thompson attacks Rudy on gun control, Anderson pick someone better. Constitution is my protection.

8:04 - Fred side steps. McCain doesn't own a gun? Interesting. Rudy doesn't own nor Mitt. Can't have someone that doesn't own a gun run my nation.

8:05 - Black on Black crime. Mitt answers first family values, good answer. Invoking Bill Cosby's name. Good answer can't find a flaw. Rudy attacks and invokes the name of New York City again. Lets get back to Huckabee!!!

8:08 - Abortion from Texas. Penalty for committing abortion if it becomes illegal. Paul "its a crime" but only a penalty for the abortionist. Fred Roe v Wade should be overturned. 50 different abortion laws, again abortionist should be punished.

8:11 - Rudy would you sign a nation ban on abortion? No. Leave it to the states. Mitt, overturn Roe v Wade and leave to states and sign a bill for nation ban but USA is not there.

8:13 - Huckabee question. Death Penalty? WWJD? He calls it a tough decision and a permanent one. He believes in it as a deterrence. Good applause. Then response to "how can you be prolife and support capital punishment?" Huckabee says there is a difference between a criminal that commits a horrible crime and an innocent unborn child. Anderson "But the question was WWJD?" Huck "Jesus was too smart to run for public office. " Good cheer and laughter

8:16 - Another Texan. Do you believe THIS BOOK (Bible). Rudy. Huckabee says "do you need me to help you out on this one?" Rudy doesn't believe in it in its entirety. Mitt says yes but hesitant. Huckabee " Sure I believe" "You either believe it or you don't"

8:19 - Mitt video. Immigration and China, boring let down your hair. Commercial

8:22 - And we are back Rudy funny and attacks hillary for planting questions.

8:23 - Question from a Muslim about repairing image of America in eyes of Muslims. "Stay on offense against terrorism." Cheer and Ron Paulites boo. This is Rudy's only good issue and he does well with it. Don't offend America Muslims but Islamic Terrorists. McCain says no date for with drawl because it is a date of surrender and the surge is working. "Let us Win". Hunter Americans are helping the world and he will not apologize for it.

8:27 - McCain disagrees with Waterboarding how do you disagree with him. Mitt does well on question and bashes the ACLU. McCain attacks him on his position and says torture is wrong. Mitt responds but McCain's response is stronger to prove his point.

8:32 - Thompson gets a Chance to mumble for a while. Ron Paul gets to push his isolationist views for a while. McCain "American public opinion lost Vietnam" Vietnam did not want to follow us home but terrorists want to bring the fight to us. They want to destroy us in our own home Ron Paul's ideas are dangerous. They came here on September 11th before Iraq was "occupied". Tancredo: says Paul's view aren't how it is, this is the REAL WORLD.

8:38 - Rudy rides the 9/11 wave to the White House?? Rudy lists other "Conservative" credentials. But he still supports abortion, gay rights, and gun control.

8:40 - Fred gets a question from Dick and yes he is holding a gun. We get a long and wordy constitutional lesson on the VPs role in government by Fred. McCain Bush didn't have enough foreign policy experience so he had to rely on the VP. Hunters video with what? A picture of the border fence. Last Break.

8:46 - Huckabee's video. Principled man. Good ad.

8:47 - Gay Army General asks about gays in the military. Tancredo calls on Collin Powell's opinion on the issue. Oh no bad line he says most military members are conservatives. Huckabee says this is the best rule. Its about conduct and that it is needed. Maybe some boos? Mitt gets some boos but says right now its not the time(war time). Mitt seems like he is going to ask everyone else for how he should act, vote, and stand on issues. Maybe he doesn't know where he stands. General responds saying military is professional enough to handle gays in the military. McCain says we should keep the present policy.

8:52 - Log Cabin Republicans(gay Republicans). Huckabee says he disagrees with them but they should support him and he would accept the support. Gets applause. Huckabee says supporting a principled man is better than someone that isn't.

8:54 - Deficit, Fred responds with another history lesson and says he will solve the problem but doesn't tell us how. Mitt says we have more problems than that and that the Republican way is a lot better than hillary.

8:56 - JFK got us to the moon in less than 10 years and now congress is cutting funding for Mars program. Would you vow to send a person to mars in 10 years. Huckabee say expand the space program because those technologies are everyday use now. hillary on the first rocket to mars, long applause. Tancredo attacks Huckabee for being funny.

8:58 - African Americans are Conservative at heart but vote Dem, why? Rudy says his record was strong on reducing welfare programs and letting AA help them self. Huckabee responds but I missed most of it due to my DVR!!!

9:01 - Rebel flag question from Texas: Romney says no. I disagree, it is not racist but understand its negative connotation. Fred says only in some settings.

9:03 - Ron Paul ends it up. Nope... one more? Bridges, tunnels, repair = 2 trillion dollars. Question goes to Rudy. I did this in New York. It is a long process. Good point state and local as well as federal responsibility. Ron Paul says its the Iraq War's fault. McCain says he will institute the line item veto but Rudy opposes it because he wanted NY pork.

9:07 - Ron Paul independent run?
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee

9:09: Rudy why did you support the Red Sox? Come on lets talk about the issues.

9:10: More baseball talk. Boring its football season. Baseball is called America's favorite pastime for a reason, to pass time until football season.

End! Postdebate fundraising numbers: $1,442,815.42

During the debate Huckabee raised $23,314.42 during the debate and 1 hour and 45 minutes(eastern) till midnight when I will update the CNN/YouTube Debate day fundraising numbers.

I really can't say who won this one, defiantly not Fred. Mitt Had a good presence but at times he was hesitant and nervous. Rudy did average. Huckabee did well but not as stand out as in past debates. I think the fact that this was "National" coverage he may get a boost due to just getting his name out. Tancredo and Hunter did well but still they are 2nd tier. Paul still out there spreading his dangerous ideals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment on my site. You've got some great commentary, I appreciate all the hard typing that goes into posting on a two hour debate.
