Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Good Prosepct for Huckabee

Earlier I received an email from Hucks Army informing me that the Iowa Right to Life Committee had not made a formal decision for their endorsement. I took this as an opportunity to write the following email to voice my opinion about Mike Huckabee:

To whom it may concern,

I was informed that the Iowa Right to Life Committee was meeting tonight and I would like to present a topic of conversation. Within the next two months the residents of your state will be making their decision and casting their votes. This is a very important decision and one that must take all factors into consideration. Obviously the Right to Life is important to us and for this reason we should pick a candidate that firmly stands on his principles and is unapologetically pro-life. This person must have fought with us from the beginning and cannot be a risk of vacillating on these important issues. I would like to to seriously consider Mike Huckabee as your candidate for President.
Some other organizations and private citizens have compromised their values for an "electable candidate" however this is two fold incorrect way to think about it. Firstly what good is it to get a candidate elected if he may vote against the principles that you stand so firmly on? And secondly Mike Huckabee is highly electable. He was elected in Arkansas with a highly democratic leaning legislator. Huckabee has the enthusiasm and optimism reminiscent of Reagan. Mike Huckabee is by far the best in the Republican field.
If you could at least bring this up as a topic of conversation at tonights meeting. I thank you.


Clayton Mercer
College Station, Texas

Within a few hours I received this email response.


Good afternoon!

Thank you for contacting us regarding Mike Huckabee. We are in agreement; we like Mike Huckabee. The Iowa Right to Life Committee is staying neutral on whom to endorse until they meet in the next week. At that meeting, the Committee will decide whether or not to stay neutral or to endorse a candidate. Please know that your comments will be taken into careful consideration as we all work to restore the sanctity of human life in our country.

Sincerely yours,

Iowa Right to Life Committee

I take this response to be a very optimistic one and I hope you do too. If you would like to voice your opinion please write to and let them know why you choose Huckabee and why they should endorse him.

Great news in the Huckabee world.

God Bless America and Pray for Huckabee

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