Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Post Debate reaction

So I found a poll taken near the end of the debate and guess who won... Mike Huckabee! Here they are:
Here is story
I decided to include a link, I am going to check up on this claim of an altercation. I saw a video of Chuck Norris at the debate maybe he roundhouse kicked Mitt, Rudy, Fred and Paul.

Also I will soon include the final numbers for today. Today's ending number is : $1,467,901.88

For a Debate and Post Debate total of nearly $50,000. Really not to be negative but that is not that much more than yesterday. I will monitor tomorrows totals to see if there was a change after the news stories come out showing Huckabee won.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Post-debate video here:

And more commentary from SPR here: