Thursday, December 27, 2007

Iowa is upon us

Chirstmas is over and now we must get ready for the final push towards the Iowa caucus and the start of the primaries.

Please visit One Moms blog for a great post about Huckabee

God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uhhh, what are "Ags"? Is it supposed to be agnostics?

Do you seriously expect me to believe these various religious designated blogs are not all created as an organized effort and possibly even by the same person? You Hucksters are pathetic. Gee, I wonder why the supposed grassroots supporters for the Huckmeister are called HucksArmy or something like that, with a tank and it's big gun as their logo. Seems like more of the same peace via war type people to me.

Neo-Con fascists.