Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Revolution in the Muslim World

I am glad to see Moderate Muslims stand up against those who bring a false name to there religion. I believe we are witnessing the first waves in a tsunami of backlash by Moderate Muslims against Islamofasists.

Moderates in Iraq are working with the American troops to expel radical Islamics that would like to do them harm and bring instability to the nation and region.

Moderates in Sudan spoke out against the angry mobs that called for the execution of a British teacher for naming a teddy bear Muhammad.

This is another one of my articles that spans political view and candidate affiliation. No matter how you vote you must know that Islamofasists are the enemy and they are dedicated to the sole destruction of us, our children and our nation.

This war is not about bombs, tanks, or military bases. This war will not be fought traditionally as we have seen. This war will be fought in the hearts, minds, and souls of generations to come. Our greatest ally is the Moderate Muslim and we must embrace their assistance.

God Bless America and Pray for our Troops during this Christmas and holiday season.

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