Saturday, December 1, 2007

I love free speech

I the past few days I have had a hillary supporter commenting on my site. The first time he or she was respectful. I love the free exchange of ideas so I left it up on my site but the most recent post was childish and not worthy to be present on this blog.

hillary is the most dangerous person tht is running for the office of President of the United States of America. hillary wants to raise you taxes and expand government spending. She has even offered up and New New Deal providing socialized health coverage for all. This may sound good at face value but you are losing freedoms. The freedom to choose how you will provide healthcare to your family and yourself. Similar systems ar present in Canada and England. They wait 6 months for emergency surgery. We are talking about the same government the was responsible for Katrina and the 6 months wait for a passport being incharge of your body and well being? Not for me. hillary is the wrong choice.

If you would like to comment on my blog feel free but keep it mature and respectful.

God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee


Dan Webb said...

Hey was her commented akin to this:

"If the list of candidates to choose from was a line of port-o-potties outside a concert, Huckabee would be the one overflowing with diarrhea.
If you want a real candidate with real values, then you want Hillary Clinton. Just trust me."

Hillary has no values...she like most liberals are relativists...

Anyways yeah, don't worry ags, she did it to my blog too lol. She is just trying to generate some traffic for a pro-hillary blog because she can't get the traffic any other way. I mean really, who would want to read about Hillary Clinton? Other reading she falling down a massive flight of stairs. I am just joking, I wouldn't wish that on anyone...maybe a small flight of stairs...

Dan Webb said...

by the way, your on my blogroll now. Hey are you involved with Hucksarmy? Cuz I think i've seen your name in there somewhere.

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