Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Negative Ads DON'T work Romney

Mitt Romney has plagued the Iowa region with lies. This is not an opinionated statement Favtcheck.com has once again exposed the truth. I am so proud and glad that MY candidate is above the childish bickering that Romney would like to be involved in. Mike Huckabee is deadicated to lifting America up and bring us to a new level and not tearing others down.

Polls show that the Iowans believe as I do. The polls show that the MILLIONS that Romney has spent to destroy Huckabee have done little. Both ABC News and the Des Moines Register have polls showing the same numbers as in early December. This shows that the majority of Iowa voters are above the low attack ads and seek the truth on Mike Huckabee's record.

Last push and I am very excited. Adding the the excitement I got my Voter's Registration Card yesterday.

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