A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
So this is the first post in my series on how to pick a candidate by reading the constitution. So the first question is why start with the 2nd amendment? Easily answered without the second amendment all others would mean absolutely nothing. Government can be a dangerous thing if it goes unchecked and this is a point that all can agree with. The Bill of Rights was formulated to make sure that did not happen and at the heart is the 2nd amendment.
A common misconception is the 2nd amendment was included to protect Bubba's right to shoot opossum. The fact is the 2nd amendment is about protection: protection from those who want to suppress or strip us of our rights. Be it the criminals, enemies of the State, or the Government itself. For many it is a foreign concept that we could some day need to stand up against our government and fight for our rights but remember those at Concord who fired the Shot Heard Round the World. They were but a few that stood for many to win the rights that we take for granted sometimes. (Disclaimer: I am not a radical ready to overthrow the government but rather would like you to know there may be some Orwellian event that may occur that would require a stand to be made against oppressive entities. When words expire their usefulness(Declaration of Independence) a Revolution must be enacted.)
I hope I could spark in you some respect for the 2nd amendment now let me evaluate the candidates:
Democrats ~ The top three (hillary, Obama and Edwards) all believe in gun control. Edwards believes owning a gun is not a right but a privilege. I ask if only the privileged own guns then how sir are the underprivileged allowed to fight for their rights?
In the second tier Bill Richardson is the only Democratic candidate with a positive NRA rating, in fact he has had the pleasure of a NRA endorsement and has a Concealed Handgun Licence. Richardson acknowledges the right to keep and bear arms, something that may not make him popular to some Democratic voters.
Republicans ~ The top candidate, Rudy, cannot be further away from the Republican voting base. Although Rudy and the mainstream media try to downplay his previous stance, rudy also believes(or believed) it is a privilege and one that must be earned before a citizen can carry a gun. Following this logic should we have to pass tests to vote too? (I believe if we did we wouldn't have to worry about hillary or rudy (sorry a partisan interjection into a semi-unbias guide to voting))
Mitt has had two view on this issue. As Gov of Massachusetts he described himself as a supporter of Gun Control. Mitt also only joined the NRA in 2006. How can a man that changes his mind with every political breeze be trusted with our most valuable right.
Fred, Huckabee, and Ron Paul all have strong ratings and voting records on gun-rights legislation. There is little to say about their differences and from a purely 2nd Amendment view point all three are strong choices for this category.
To some it up if you believe in the right to protect your rights: Richardson, Fred, Paul and Huckabee (no order) are the way to go.
Check the side bar for the running tally.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
"I ask if only the privileged own guns then how sir are the underprivileged allowed to fight for their rights?"
I'm an Ag(class of 2002, WHOOOP!)living in Baton Rouge in the wake of two students being murdered on the LSU campus, 1/2 mile from my house. I would urge you to think a second about the above statement. Just as repeat DWI offenders lose their licenses, lawbreakers should lose gun privileges/rights. I'm a good ol' boy with a good head on his shoulders and I have the right to, and am privileged to, own many guns. Not everybody deserves the right to, as should be manifested by their past behavior. A little bit of gun control would keep you and I with a shotgun in our hands and out of the thugs' hands.
I'm supporting Huckabee this year, too. He's the only candidate who isn't full of horseshit!
Those students might be alive today if there had been a properly trained gun owner present on the campus.
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