Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Huckabee fundraising

I am excited about the fundraising that happened today but lets not forget what this is all about and that is not the money but the message. The servers were having a tough time tonight because there were a few times I couldn't access the site. This is a good sign. I hope they use some of that money to update the servers before the CNN-Youtube debate that will be airing on Wednesday November 28. Please mark this on your calendar.

If you have a meetup group schedule a debate watching party. And if you do not have a meet up group join one.

One more time I beg any aggies to please join the college station meetup group, it free and we are trying to get some activities together. I am a shy guy but I really would like to get some ags together to spread the word.

Please read my post below about the Letter to the editor I wrote. I am also writing another for some other local papers. I encourage you to do the same.

That's all I can think of, have a great night and be proud of your donation and recruiting work.

God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee

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