Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mike Huckabee stalled?

I have been typing emails, calling people and working extremely hard to get the word out, as well as many of my online friends, but for almost 2 weeks (since the last debate and the fundraising boom) Huckabee has stalled out at about 12-9%. I feel that this is because those who follow politics, I guess at around 30% and some research showed me 35% is a close approximation, have already made up their mind. the rest of the polled population is unfortunately ignorant to the truths (aka voting for hillary due to her genitalia or Rudy just because he was major during 9/11).

Just to clarify Rudy should be applauded for his duties during 9/11 but his social policies are 180 degrees opposite of the Conservative rights views and a majority of Americans. It hurts me when a pro-life, pro marriage person tells me they are supporting Fred, Romney or Rudy. Each one of these candidates strays from the common belief that abortion is wrong and marriage is define as between a man and a woman (or a woman and a man) or they can't make up their mind (cough~ritt momney~cough). And the former leaders of the Religous right movement (yes former) have compromised their values for "electablity".

This brings me to point dos the poll numbers and endorsements are low because of this false sense of "Huckabee can't be elected". I hear "He's a Preacher", or "He's too unknown"...well the answer to number one this country is 82% Christian so at most he loses 18% but we cannot claim our other religious groups would count him out because of that. Answer 2: Well back to the first issue.

I believe we have to reach the other faction of the population that doesn't follow politics until october of an election year and get them involved now. The more followers we can get now, the earlier we can get this ball rolling. Tell a friend or family member today hopefully and Iowa or New Hamshire resident.

1 comment:

Editor said...

An encouraging word at

Mike's at 21% in Iowa

I also have several comments about the latest "Evangelical" abandonment of principles.