Thursday, December 27, 2007
Iowa is upon us
Please visit One Moms blog for a great post about Huckabee
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Romney Attacks on Huckabee Hold Little Water
I like a candidate that stands for the issues and believes in his cause no matter what that cause is. This is a reason I respect "mavericks" like Lieberman, and McCain. I like a candidate that hold strong to his beliefs. I have found this candidate in Mike Huckabee.
I believe Mitt Romney when he says he is Pro-life. I accept his apology and accept his stance. But the Flip-flops don't stop there. His views on marriage and the 2nd Amendment have changed too. These issues are important to me and I cannot have some one that just joined the NRA last year fighting to protect my rights.
Romney's ads are full of holes and hold little truth. I am fortunate that the people of Iowa and the nation are smart enough to see through his lies. With the Internet and the freedom of information we currently possess these lies and half truths will not be tolerated by America.
In his most current ad the many inaccuracies were highlighted by Fact check please click to check them out.
One more item:
I was attacked by an anonymous commenter saying I was ignorant for excluding Romney due to the fact he is a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints. I would like to reply by asking this American to do a quick search of my blog and know that this is the FIRST time I have used the words LDS or Mormon.
Nextly, I will admit that Romney is a master of the economy, few could argue against that. Romney doesn't like the FairTax, I do. We have a difference of views there. On top of that I believe this may be his downfall because Huckabee is more well rounded and better suited for President.
Huckabee has experience on three fronts: Public, Private and Spiritual. I'll start with the spiritual one because you may be confused why that matters in a Presidential race. Huckabee, as a pastor, has met with people of all walks of life. He knows about the problems normal people in America face. Huckabee cares about these problems and is ready to do something about it.
Secondly, his private sector record shows a strong background while working in the communication industry and founding Beech Street Communications. Huckabee has also been noted to many times call for the expertise of the private industry to improve Government operations.
In the public light Huckabee has served as Governor for 10.5 years getting elected in a highly Democratic state and already defeating the Clinton Political machine twice. Huckabee has experience in politics without being corrupted with power.
I picked to support Huckabee after much research, thought, and prayer. I believe that Huckabee stands where he stood 15 years ago and where he will stand 15 years from now. I believe in his resolve for the principles we both share. I have done MY research about my candidate (and the rest), have you?
No matter who you choose, please make sure that when you go to the polls, be it January , Feb, ect. and in November, that your choice is informed and educated. As always I encourage the exchange of ideas on my blog.
God Bless America and Pray for our Troops around the World.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Revolution in the Muslim World
Moderates in Iraq are working with the American troops to expel radical Islamics that would like to do them harm and bring instability to the nation and region.
Moderates in Sudan spoke out against the angry mobs that called for the execution of a British teacher for naming a teddy bear Muhammad.
This is another one of my articles that spans political view and candidate affiliation. No matter how you vote you must know that Islamofasists are the enemy and they are dedicated to the sole destruction of us, our children and our nation.
This war is not about bombs, tanks, or military bases. This war will not be fought traditionally as we have seen. This war will be fought in the hearts, minds, and souls of generations to come. Our greatest ally is the Moderate Muslim and we must embrace their assistance.
God Bless America and Pray for our Troops during this Christmas and holiday season.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Windshields for Huckabee!
Get ready for this Saturday a mass grassroots movement is happening. Visit by clicking the button above and learn more
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Gas for the Huckabus!
Today December 12th many have pledged to give $100 to keep the wheels turning.
Start: $718,756.25 (Eastern Time)
Start: $720,773.24 (Central time)
I forgot that I won't be available for the deadline so as of 9 Eastern 8 Central the total is $877,570.46.
That is over $150,000 in 20 hours!!! Keep going guys and I will see you tomorrow. Pray for me I am getting Lasik tomorrow.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Romney: Huckabee would make a fine President
In 2005 Mitt Romney said that Huckabee would be a great for President of the United States.
The Arkansas News Bureau reported in August 2005 that Romney said Huckabee
would have the support of many Massachusetts Republicans if the Arkansan were to run for president in 2008.
While at the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion for a meeting about health care,
Romney demurred when asked whether a presidential race was in his future but had nice things to say about his host.
“Who knows what the future will hold?” Romney said in 2005. “Most likely,
we’ll all stay as governors or find other offices, but we need to make sure that
we have a strong person who can take the baton from President Bush, and Gov.
Huckabee is certainly one of those individuals. He'd make a fine president.”
Interesting news so I think Mitt should drop and throw he support and money behind Mike Huckabee!
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Monday, December 10, 2007
A Very Important Issue, Thank You Univision
Hugo Chavez has been seen with Ahmadinejad and Kim Jung Il and most recently held elections to suspend term limits to make him the newest Latin American Communist dictator. These are not things to be taken lightly and the forgien policy we must take towards issues like this must be firm. 51% of the population voted down the consititutional amendment removing term limits. Chavez threatened America with his stakes in the oil industry that we would be cut off if we interferred. Luckily democracy prevailed. I would like to thank Univision for bring up this topic because it seems that no one else will. I also thatnk the aduence for showing Ron Paul his dangerous ideas will not be tolerated. how ever I d find it funny that when the crowd agreed with his isolationist view when it can to Iraq and the Middle East but not Venezuela and Latin America.
God Bless America and Democracy.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Politically Correct

Order yours here
Friday, December 7, 2007
Huckabee's Fiscal Responsibility
1) The government overspends
2) The government is inefficient
3) The government overspends because it is inefficient(among other reasons)
Each year we spend billions on red tape, ineptitude, and underproduction of the bureaucracies in our government. I am not attacking anyone agency but the overall government system for irresponsible spending. We need a leader that can take a minimum amount of tax dollars and be frugal and stretch them for everything they are worth.
I think that we can find signs of a leader's ability to do so by looking at their campaign spending.
Mike Huckabee has spent just under 338,000 in Iowa.
Mitt Romney has out spent him 10 to 1!
Looking at those numbers and seeing that Mike Huckabee is leading in the polls shows that Huckabee know how to handle the taxpayers money with care and attention.
If you want fiscal responsibility Huckabee is your man.
Romney attacks Huckabee for being a Life Long Politician:
Recently in an interview Mitt attacked Huckabee for being a life long politician. Basically Mitt outlined that he didn't have the experience to be the President. Mitt pointed to his work in the private sector as him experience then mentioning that Mike didn't have that experience.
Truth: 1983-92: Founded, ran two religious TV stations
1992-96: Executive, then president, Cambridge Communications
Mike Huckabee has both private and government sector experience, not to mention spirtiual.
Now why would spiritual matter in the White House? Other than the fact that he is dedicated to his moral principles Mike Huckabee knows the common man. Mike has sat with and prayed with someone from every walk of life. Mike knows the problems of this country first hand through his experience as a Pastor.
Mike Huckabee is the peoples candidate and a strong one with strong held beliefs and my pick for candidate!
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Thursday's Mobilize for Mike Day
Starting at Zero Hundred hours Thursday December 6th, 2007 Huckabloggers, Hucksarmy, and supporters of all kind are called to action. The plan is to use the resources of the internet to spread the word about Mike Huckabee and his plan for America.
The Goal is to reach 100,000 potential voters that may have never heard of Huckabee or those who have been misinformed. I will be updating my blog as I get more info but I will list some idea on how to spread the word.
1. Use this Link to send emails directly from Campaign Headquarters. This is a good idea if you do not feel confident in writing your own message. I encourage you to write your own because it is more heartfelt and dedicated.
2. Use you myspace or facebook to send a message to all of your friends. You can also change your picture to a Huckabee support button.
3. If you get junk mail all the time saying "pass this on to 10,034 people of have bad luck" steal all the email address from the forward columns. You can then send them a message of support about Huckabee.
4. Huckabee videos are very helpful to spread the word. I will include a list of great Huckabee videos that you can link too.
Believe (Strong Christian Leader)
Chuck Norris endorses Mike Huckabee
Some things are not negotiable
If you ve any questions on how you can help please contact me
Gob Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Monday, December 3, 2007
Much News in the Huckabee World
Tomorrow I will be discussing with you the newest Huckabee endorsement. Huckabee continues to climb in the polls. The College Station Meetup group is up to 10 people and I am very excited about that and I am trying to coordinate a meeting soon. I added a link here on this website. I am very close to my 1000th view so thank you to all my readers. Big news:
We start at midnight Thursday morning...more details to follow...
UPDATE: Best comment ever...Renny Daniel: "something big......... is coming. and its not king kong."
Bloggers for Huckabee, Huck's Army, Volunteers, Supporters and everyone are needed...more details coming soon...
This was a blog post on the Huckabee offical blog. I am very excited about my oppurtunity to help out first hand. If you have a blog please be ready Wednesday at Midnight to help us out.
Aggies got into the Alamo Bowl. I am trying to get tickets.
I wore my "Ags for Huckabee" shirt and got more comments today than yesterday. I even had a discussion with one guy for a little while. Told him the good news of Huckabee leading in Iowa and being second nationally. Really I have Physics homework and need to go but tomorrow I will be updating the site better.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Huckabee Chat
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Saturday, December 1, 2007
I love free speech
hillary is the most dangerous person tht is running for the office of President of the United States of America. hillary wants to raise you taxes and expand government spending. She has even offered up and New New Deal providing socialized health coverage for all. This may sound good at face value but you are losing freedoms. The freedom to choose how you will provide healthcare to your family and yourself. Similar systems ar present in Canada and England. They wait 6 months for emergency surgery. We are talking about the same government the was responsible for Katrina and the 6 months wait for a passport being incharge of your body and well being? Not for me. hillary is the wrong choice.
If you would like to comment on my blog feel free but keep it mature and respectful.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Ags for Huckabee tee shirts
Also I saw Send hillary to Mars shirts on funny funny.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Friday, November 30, 2007
Huckabee need our help
I am a poor college kid working to pay for living expenses and an up coming wedding but I know that the 2 or 3 dollars I can donate are money saved if hillary does not get into office. Because if she does we will be overtaxed, overspent, and lose freedoms to big government. I urge all that haven't donated yet to join me with 1 dollar (a Buck of Huck). on average one third of the debate watcher believed Huckabee won. That is 1 million Americans. One Buck from each person that believed Huckabee won would easily put us over.
Please take this into consideration, flip over the couch and go diving for change and donate whatever you find. While writing this I have even convinced myself to donate 4 dollars (whats left in my wallet). Clcik on the contribute link on my Ranger button to go directly to Mike Huckabee's contribute page.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
this gave me a good laugh it was a comment on my last post:
Huckabee is a nice guy and all, but if you want a real candidate with real values, then you want Hillary Clinton. Just trust me.
Yes Hillary values the tax money of hard working Americans. Please go to this bloggers page and respond, I will be doing it later. remember be nice but present the facts.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Huckabee gets a boost.
Now I found this interesting. Idont really know how long you have been a Huckabee supporter but about 1 1/2 or 2 months ago Mike Huckabee challenged Fred Thompson to a Lincoln-Douglass style debate. There was a petition and everything. Well Fred denied saying that those type of debate have no place in the primaries. Truely he felt at the time that Mike was a lesser candidate and didn't desserve his time(apparently niether do the American people).
Well to get to the point Fred is now challenging the Republicans to have small table talks with him about the issues. A sort of low key debate. Really I do not know what this guys stragegy is but he should just go back to Law and Order. I wish someone could shed some light on this issue, but I'm not entirely sure Mike should take him up on this. It seems like there may be something else to these "closed door meetings".
A link to the story here
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee.
Oh I almost forgot. Today was my first day to wear my Ags for Huckabee tee shirt around campus. I got a lot of smiles and I heard two girls talking about Huckabee and how her roommate was voting for him. Encouraging! I hope tha the next time I can start a conversation with some people and win some new votes. I will post pictures soon.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Post Debate reaction
Here is story
I decided to include a link, I am going to check up on this claim of an altercation. I saw a video of Chuck Norris at the debate maybe he roundhouse kicked Mitt, Rudy, Fred and Paul.
Also I will soon include the final numbers for today. Today's ending number is : $1,467,901.88
For a Debate and Post Debate total of nearly $50,000. Really not to be negative but that is not that much more than yesterday. I will monitor tomorrows totals to see if there was a change after the news stories come out showing Huckabee won.
Republican CNN/YouTube debate liveblog recap
7:00 - Republican CNN/YouTube debate begins. Huckabee predebate fundraising number: $1,419,501.00.
7:04 - Governor Huckabee is introduced. Not next to Ron Paul this time, interesting. Huckabee and Rudy and obviously Ron Paul got the greatest cheers. Rt to Left: Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul, John McCain, Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Tom Tancredo
7:05 - Anderson mentions Huckabee being on top in Iowa.
7:08 - and the debate hasn't begun...great time allocation CNN.
7:10 - great video
7:11 - Tough question on immigration to Rudy, good response. Rudy and Mitt on each other throats. Not the type leader I want to run my country that is interested in damaging each other rather than raising the party and our issues to the front.
7:16 - Rudy gets booed.
7:17-19 - Fred mumbling and "Uhhhhh"ing for about 2 minutes. ZZZzzz.
7:20 - McCain gets heckled on immigration saying "I would veto sanctuary, I didn't offer that". Illegal Aliens are humans too, seems like McCain is stealing Huckabee's message.
7:22 - Tancredo yell what about the rest of us? He gets a question: Will not aid further "mass immigration" Give jobs to Americans, good message. Hunter is up - Fence, fence, fence.
7:26 - Huckabee is up finally. Tough question. VA Bill of Rights should be mentioned. That-a-boy set the record strait. He mentioned it!!!
7:28 - Mitt likes Mike?? Oh no Mitt got appauled for that. Huckabee got a greater applause. I am glad they are next to each other it like a mini-Iowa show down.
7:31 - American Union question to Ron Paul. Au is a bad deal.
7:33 - Next question, National debt - McCain "congress spends too much" His best message and funny joke about bears. Veto pen from Reagan? Awesome!
7:35 - Romney, got any hair gel? Mentions healthcare? maybe a bad thing for him.
7:37 - Cut Gov programs Thompson- more mubbling no true answer. We know we need reform. Now to Paul - Loud cheer. Dept of Ed, Energy and Homeland Security. Anderson calls time early.
7:39 - Huckabee IRS!!! Fairtax, Homeland security reform. Laugh and applause.
7:40 - McCain Fair tax question. He does not support it. Spend money on a commission to save money?? Attacks Paul and gets Cheers and Boos. Isolationism causes WWII. Troops tell Paul "Let us win, let us fight" That a boy McCain.
7:45 - Substitutes: Fiscally responsible, good wording. Off to Romney: Nervous? Summary - Secure food supply and needed for world market competition.
7:48 - Rudy gets asked about Politico story. Denies, Anderson does not follow up on FoxNews' candidate, interesting.
7:49 - Tancredo takes on hillary.
7:50 - Lead toy question. Tancredo 1st up: Red China is a big issue I hope they ask Huckabee about this because I am not sure about his position on this. Hunter is up next: Boycott China and Buy America for Christmas.
7:52 - Thompson's is an attack ad on Mitt and Huck. Why don't you tell us about your issues for once and stop mumbling? Romney admits he is wrong. Great first step but I still don't want to trust him with the power to nominate Supreme Court Justices that could overturn Roe v Wade. He did seem authentic when he apologized. Huckabee responds to tax video by saying one tax went up 1 cent and listing tax cuts and claiming to be fiscally conservative. "If you are getting kicked in the rear your still out front." Could have been stronger. Thompson really made a bad choice on that one. Made him look bad and Mitt good and Huckabee unaffected. Commercial break.
7:58 - Commercial over. McCain video, hillary attack ad. Weak.
7:59 - Gun question. NRA member, funny. Ask Rudy please!!!
8:00 - March 21, 2000 Rudy says to own a gun you must pass a test before you can OWN a gun. Rudy is a gun controlling liberal. Government can impose reasonable regulations on Gun owning!!! No sir. Rudy got booed. Can I set limits on your right to free speech? or press? More booing. Thompson attacks Rudy on gun control, Anderson pick someone better. Constitution is my protection.
8:04 - Fred side steps. McCain doesn't own a gun? Interesting. Rudy doesn't own nor Mitt. Can't have someone that doesn't own a gun run my nation.
8:05 - Black on Black crime. Mitt answers first family values, good answer. Invoking Bill Cosby's name. Good answer can't find a flaw. Rudy attacks and invokes the name of New York City again. Lets get back to Huckabee!!!
8:08 - Abortion from Texas. Penalty for committing abortion if it becomes illegal. Paul "its a crime" but only a penalty for the abortionist. Fred Roe v Wade should be overturned. 50 different abortion laws, again abortionist should be punished.
8:11 - Rudy would you sign a nation ban on abortion? No. Leave it to the states. Mitt, overturn Roe v Wade and leave to states and sign a bill for nation ban but USA is not there.
8:13 - Huckabee question. Death Penalty? WWJD? He calls it a tough decision and a permanent one. He believes in it as a deterrence. Good applause. Then response to "how can you be prolife and support capital punishment?" Huckabee says there is a difference between a criminal that commits a horrible crime and an innocent unborn child. Anderson "But the question was WWJD?" Huck "Jesus was too smart to run for public office. " Good cheer and laughter
8:16 - Another Texan. Do you believe THIS BOOK (Bible). Rudy. Huckabee says "do you need me to help you out on this one?" Rudy doesn't believe in it in its entirety. Mitt says yes but hesitant. Huckabee " Sure I believe" "You either believe it or you don't"
8:19 - Mitt video. Immigration and China, boring let down your hair. Commercial
8:22 - And we are back Rudy funny and attacks hillary for planting questions.
8:23 - Question from a Muslim about repairing image of America in eyes of Muslims. "Stay on offense against terrorism." Cheer and Ron Paulites boo. This is Rudy's only good issue and he does well with it. Don't offend America Muslims but Islamic Terrorists. McCain says no date for with drawl because it is a date of surrender and the surge is working. "Let us Win". Hunter Americans are helping the world and he will not apologize for it.
8:27 - McCain disagrees with Waterboarding how do you disagree with him. Mitt does well on question and bashes the ACLU. McCain attacks him on his position and says torture is wrong. Mitt responds but McCain's response is stronger to prove his point.
8:32 - Thompson gets a Chance to mumble for a while. Ron Paul gets to push his isolationist views for a while. McCain "American public opinion lost Vietnam" Vietnam did not want to follow us home but terrorists want to bring the fight to us. They want to destroy us in our own home Ron Paul's ideas are dangerous. They came here on September 11th before Iraq was "occupied". Tancredo: says Paul's view aren't how it is, this is the REAL WORLD.
8:38 - Rudy rides the 9/11 wave to the White House?? Rudy lists other "Conservative" credentials. But he still supports abortion, gay rights, and gun control.
8:40 - Fred gets a question from Dick and yes he is holding a gun. We get a long and wordy constitutional lesson on the VPs role in government by Fred. McCain Bush didn't have enough foreign policy experience so he had to rely on the VP. Hunters video with what? A picture of the border fence. Last Break.
8:46 - Huckabee's video. Principled man. Good ad.
8:47 - Gay Army General asks about gays in the military. Tancredo calls on Collin Powell's opinion on the issue. Oh no bad line he says most military members are conservatives. Huckabee says this is the best rule. Its about conduct and that it is needed. Maybe some boos? Mitt gets some boos but says right now its not the time(war time). Mitt seems like he is going to ask everyone else for how he should act, vote, and stand on issues. Maybe he doesn't know where he stands. General responds saying military is professional enough to handle gays in the military. McCain says we should keep the present policy.
8:52 - Log Cabin Republicans(gay Republicans). Huckabee says he disagrees with them but they should support him and he would accept the support. Gets applause. Huckabee says supporting a principled man is better than someone that isn't.
8:54 - Deficit, Fred responds with another history lesson and says he will solve the problem but doesn't tell us how. Mitt says we have more problems than that and that the Republican way is a lot better than hillary.
8:56 - JFK got us to the moon in less than 10 years and now congress is cutting funding for Mars program. Would you vow to send a person to mars in 10 years. Huckabee say expand the space program because those technologies are everyday use now. hillary on the first rocket to mars, long applause. Tancredo attacks Huckabee for being funny.
8:58 - African Americans are Conservative at heart but vote Dem, why? Rudy says his record was strong on reducing welfare programs and letting AA help them self. Huckabee responds but I missed most of it due to my DVR!!!
9:01 - Rebel flag question from Texas: Romney says no. I disagree, it is not racist but understand its negative connotation. Fred says only in some settings.
9:03 - Ron Paul ends it up. Nope... one more? Bridges, tunnels, repair = 2 trillion dollars. Question goes to Rudy. I did this in New York. It is a long process. Good point state and local as well as federal responsibility. Ron Paul says its the Iraq War's fault. McCain says he will institute the line item veto but Rudy opposes it because he wanted NY pork.
9:07 - Ron Paul independent run?
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
9:09: Rudy why did you support the Red Sox? Come on lets talk about the issues.
9:10: More baseball talk. Boring its football season. Baseball is called America's favorite pastime for a reason, to pass time until football season.
End! Postdebate fundraising numbers: $1,442,815.42
During the debate Huckabee raised $23,314.42 during the debate and 1 hour and 45 minutes(eastern) till midnight when I will update the CNN/YouTube Debate day fundraising numbers.
I really can't say who won this one, defiantly not Fred. Mitt Had a good presence but at times he was hesitant and nervous. Rudy did average. Huckabee did well but not as stand out as in past debates. I think the fact that this was "National" coverage he may get a boost due to just getting his name out. Tancredo and Hunter did well but still they are 2nd tier. Paul still out there spreading his dangerous ideals.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Response to critical Star Telegram opinion on Huckabee
The article in question is quoted below:
You think Ron Paul is scary?
By Jonah Goldberg
Tribune Media
As the hopeless but energetic presidential campaign of Texas Rep. Ron Paul builds momentum in name recognition, fundraising and cross-ideology appeal, some conservatives are beginning to attack him in earnest.
A GOP consultant condemns Paul's "increasingly leftish"positions. Syndicated columnist Mona Charen calls Paul "too cozy with kooks and conspiracy theorists." Film critic and talk-radio host Michael Medved finds Paul's supporters to be "an imposing collection of neo-Nazis, white supremacists,Holocaust deniers, 9-11 'truthers' and other paranoid and discredited conspiracists."
For the most part,these allegations strike me as overblown and unfair. But
for argument's sake, let's say they're not. Let's even say that Paul has the
passionate support of the Legion of Doom, that his campaign lunch room looks
like the Star Wars cantina, and that his top advisers have hooves instead of feet.
I would still find him less scary than Mike Huckabee.
What's troubling about The Man From Hope 2.0 is what he represents. Huckabee represents compassionate conservatism on steroids. A devout social conservative on issues such as abortion, school prayer, homosexuality and evolution, Huckabee is a populist on economics, a fad-follower on the environment and an all-around do-gooder who believes that the biblical obligation to do "good works" extends to using government -- and your tax dollars -- to bring us closer to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
For example, Huckabee would support a nationwide ban
on public smoking. Why? Because he's on a health kick, thinks smoking is bad
and believes the government should do the right thing.
And therein lies the chief difference between Paul and Huckabee. One is a
culturally conservative libertarian. The other is a right-wing progressive.
Whatever shortcomings Paul and his friends might have, Paul's dogma generally renders those shortcomings irrelevant. He is a true ideologue in that his personal preferences are secondary to his philosophical principles. When asked what his position is, he generally responds that his position can be deduced from the text of the Constitution.
As for Huckabee -- as with most politicians, alas --his personal preferences matter enormously because, ultimately, they're the only things thatconstrain him.
In this respect, Huckabee's philosophy is conventionally liberal, or progressive. What he wants government to do certainly differs in important respects from what Hillary Clinton wants, but the limits he would place on governmental do-goodery are primarily tactical or practical, not philosophical or constitutional.
Huckabee represents the latest attempt to make conservatism more popular. Contrary to the conventional belief that Republicans need to drop their opposition to abortion, gay marriage and the like to be popular, Huckabee understands that the unpopular stuff is the economic libertarianism: free trade and smaller government. That's why we're seeing a rise in economic populism on the right married to a culturally conservative populism.
There's something weird going on when Paul, the small-government constitutionalist, is considered the extremist in the Republican Party, while Huckabee, the statist, is the lovable underdog.
It's even weirder because it's probably true: Huckabee is much closer to the mainstream. And that's what scares me about Huckabee and the mainstream alike.
Goldberg writes for Tribune Media
The following is my response. I have sent it in however I do not know if it will be published. I hope we can get this out so that readers will not be turned away from Mike Huckabee due to this article.
In response to Johan Goldberg of Tribune Media Services article “You think Ron Paul is scary?”:
Goldberg uses half truths and wordy misdirection to lead readers to believe Huckabee has strayed from the Christian Conservative Republican party base.
Firstly, Goldberg claims that Huckabee would support a nationwide ban on public smoking. Let me dispel this claim with that pesky thing we call “facts”. After being asked if he supports a federal ban on smoking, Huckabee responded by saying, “No, I don’t. I support workplace clean air. But a federal ban on smoking would mean that you couldn’t smoke in your own home. I don’t care what people do in their home.” Huckabee believes it is not the right of government to tell you whether you can smoke or not but when you subject others to that habit in a work environment, it becomes a public health concern. Health is an important problem we are now facing and ignoring it doesn’t just make it go away.
Secondly, Huckabee is called a “right-wing progressive” by Goldberg. I believe a better description is a “right-wing fundamentalist”. Huckabee wants to get the party back to their origins and fundamental beliefs. Huckabee hold a strong and consistent social conservative record, one that all the “top tier” Republicans lack. Huckabee is Pro-family and believes to strengthen the family we need to define marriage, focus on children’s education and healthcare, and protect families from an overwhelming tax burden. Huckabee also believe in eliminating our dependence on foreign fuels that would result in less money flowing to terrorism sponsoring countries, as well as protection for the environment. If these beliefs are “progressive” than so be it but I see them as core values of the conservative right who believe in family values and making sure our children have a better life than we had.
Huckabee’s positions are not the conservative rights response to an unpopular administration that left a bad taste in the mouth of independents and moderate Republicans, but a shift back to the conservative principles that true conservatives hold dearly. I respect Ron Paul because he stands on his principles; however, those principles are not that of the conservative Republicans. If you want a candidate that is dedicated to his convictions and holds true conservative values Mike Huckabee is the candidate for you.
Thank you for you time in reading my letter please respond or contact
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Saturday, November 24, 2007
2nd amendment and Presidential Candidates
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
So this is the first post in my series on how to pick a candidate by reading the constitution. So the first question is why start with the 2nd amendment? Easily answered without the second amendment all others would mean absolutely nothing. Government can be a dangerous thing if it goes unchecked and this is a point that all can agree with. The Bill of Rights was formulated to make sure that did not happen and at the heart is the 2nd amendment.
A common misconception is the 2nd amendment was included to protect Bubba's right to shoot opossum. The fact is the 2nd amendment is about protection: protection from those who want to suppress or strip us of our rights. Be it the criminals, enemies of the State, or the Government itself. For many it is a foreign concept that we could some day need to stand up against our government and fight for our rights but remember those at Concord who fired the Shot Heard Round the World. They were but a few that stood for many to win the rights that we take for granted sometimes. (Disclaimer: I am not a radical ready to overthrow the government but rather would like you to know there may be some Orwellian event that may occur that would require a stand to be made against oppressive entities. When words expire their usefulness(Declaration of Independence) a Revolution must be enacted.)
I hope I could spark in you some respect for the 2nd amendment now let me evaluate the candidates:
Democrats ~ The top three (hillary, Obama and Edwards) all believe in gun control. Edwards believes owning a gun is not a right but a privilege. I ask if only the privileged own guns then how sir are the underprivileged allowed to fight for their rights?
In the second tier Bill Richardson is the only Democratic candidate with a positive NRA rating, in fact he has had the pleasure of a NRA endorsement and has a Concealed Handgun Licence. Richardson acknowledges the right to keep and bear arms, something that may not make him popular to some Democratic voters.
Republicans ~ The top candidate, Rudy, cannot be further away from the Republican voting base. Although Rudy and the mainstream media try to downplay his previous stance, rudy also believes(or believed) it is a privilege and one that must be earned before a citizen can carry a gun. Following this logic should we have to pass tests to vote too? (I believe if we did we wouldn't have to worry about hillary or rudy (sorry a partisan interjection into a semi-unbias guide to voting))
Mitt has had two view on this issue. As Gov of Massachusetts he described himself as a supporter of Gun Control. Mitt also only joined the NRA in 2006. How can a man that changes his mind with every political breeze be trusted with our most valuable right.
Fred, Huckabee, and Ron Paul all have strong ratings and voting records on gun-rights legislation. There is little to say about their differences and from a purely 2nd Amendment view point all three are strong choices for this category.
To some it up if you believe in the right to protect your rights: Richardson, Fred, Paul and Huckabee (no order) are the way to go.
Check the side bar for the running tally.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
How to pick a candidate
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Huckabee fundraising
If you have a meetup group schedule a debate watching party. And if you do not have a meet up group join one.
One more time I beg any aggies to please join the college station meetup group, it free and we are trying to get some activities together. I am a shy guy but I really would like to get some ags together to spread the word.
Please read my post below about the Letter to the editor I wrote. I am also writing another for some other local papers. I encourage you to do the same.
That's all I can think of, have a great night and be proud of your donation and recruiting work.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Monday, November 19, 2007
Huckabee Ranger
God Bless America and pray for Mike Huckabee
MIke Huckabee Letter to the Editor
On Friday November 16th 2007 in the Texas A&M newspaper The Battalion An article called 'A new approach to anti-smoking' by Travis Holland was published. It follows below:
Every day TV, magazine and radio ads warn Americans of the dangers of smoking
and urge us to eat healthy. Millions of tax dollars are wasted every week to
tell us what we already know - we're killing ourselves.But this is old news. People know that smoking causes cancer and they still
smoke. People know they should eat less fatty foods, but McDonald's isn't having
trouble selling burgers. It's time for the government to take a new approach at
getting Americans to live better, instead of beating us across the head with
what we're doing wrong.Arkansas has the right idea. On Nov. 8 the state unveiled a plan to provide
incentives for healthy living. This included things like extra days off for
physical activity, healthy eating and not using tobacco products.This is a great plan that could help Americans be healthier and save our
country, millions if not billions, in healthcare and do away with unnecessary ad
campaigns.If such a program were implemented nationwide and participation made
mandatory at private companies, the results would be overwhelming. Paid days off
would certainly be a more effective incentive to be healthier than a
commercial with some actor yelling at an office building through a megaphone.The costs of giving employees a few extra days off would easily be offset by
the benefits. Healthier Americans means lower healthcare rates. Also, employees
who changed their lifestyles to be in the program would take less sick days
because of stronger bodies and immune systems.One of the best parts of this program is that those who disagree with it
don't have to participate. If some people want to keep smoking cigarettes,
that's fine. They won't lose their right to smoke, they just won't get a bonus
for not smoking. The only mandatory aspect of the program would be that
companies had to offer it.Some might complain that this program would place an undue burden on
companies, but that's not the case. A few vacation days in exchange for
healthier employees is a small sacrifice and the employees in the program would
be healthier on a daily basis, which means fewer trips to the doctor and less
expensive healthcare options.The rest of the U.S. should keep a close eye on Arkansas and its healthy
lifestyle incentive program. If it is as big of a success as it seems like it
will be, the federal government should put some serious thought into
implementing a similar program nationwide.- Travis Holland is a junior marketing major.
After reading this I saw a great opportunity to inform the 50,000 Students and Faculty about Mike Huckabee and his policies on health care. I did research and after a couple of hours had perfected my letter to the editor (Mail Call as it known in Aggieland). It follows below:
Travis Holland's column on Friday, "A new approach to anti-smoking," praised
Arkansas' inventive approach to health care. Put simply, it states, why
spend billions of dollars on the catastrophically ill when you can spend a
fraction of that cost on preventative options?For The Battalion readers, a little history on the Healthy Arkansas plan. It
is the brain child of Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee. Huckabee
realized our health system was upside down. We do not have a health care crisis
we have a health crisis. Our health care system focuses on fixing the sick
rather than preventing sickness. Huckabee believes we should reward those that
are proactively healthy rather than focusing on sickness.Government-run socialized medicine is not the answer but neither is employer-controlled insurance. You should own your insurance because, as Huckabee said, "I think the better idea is to turn [health care] over to each individual...I trust me a lot more than I trust the government or a lot more than I trust the insurance companies." The best way to fix our health crisis is to put the decision into the hand of Americans and reward them for making the correct one.
Clayton Mercer
Class of 2010
I hope you will send this around to your friends and you to will write a letter to the editor. I also want to include a link to the website of each article so you can go directly there and leave a comment on how strong a consevatvie Huckabee is.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Clayton Mercer
Thursday, November 15, 2007
November 20th Huckabee bomb
11/7/07 - 329 Unique Visitors, 20 Total Pledges, $2100 Pledged
11/8/07 - 712 Unique Visitors, 44 Total Pledges, $4595 Pledged
11/9/07 - 2619 Unique Visitors, 63 Total Pledges, $10795 Pledged
11/10/07 - 3217 Unique Visitors, 71 Total Pledges, $13845 Pledged
11/11/07 - 3402 Unique Visitors, 80 Total Pledges, $16995 Pledged
11/12/07 - 4068 Unique Visitors, 96 Total Pledges, $22916 Pledged
11/13/07 - 5001 Unique Visitors, 108 Total Pledges, $23961 Pledged
11/14/07 - 5643 Unique Visitors, 113 Total Pledges, $24381 Pledged
Total pledged = 119588 as for 11/14/07. I can't wait for the stats today.
I also pledged to make my first ever Huckabee donation. I am but a poor college kid trying to pay for school and a wedding but I think a small investment in Huckabee's campaign will do wonders for the future of my family and this nation. Won't you come to the same realization? please visit this link to see the pledge page and info on the mission.
Click here to go directly to the Huckabee contribution page.
Spread word to your friends and fellow Huckabee followers. This is the time to make an extra donation, shift donations for earlier or later in the month, or to make your first. This will be a great day in American history, the polls are behind us, the support is behind us and soon the money will be behind us.
Thank you for your time
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Good Prosepct for Huckabee
To whom it may concern,
I was informed that the Iowa Right to Life Committee was meeting tonight and I would like to present a topic of conversation. Within the next two months the residents of your state will be making their decision and casting their votes. This is a very important decision and one that must take all factors into consideration. Obviously the Right to Life is important to us and for this reason we should pick a candidate that firmly stands on his principles and is unapologetically pro-life. This person must have fought with us from the beginning and cannot be a risk of vacillating on these important issues. I would like to to seriously consider Mike Huckabee as your candidate for President.
Some other organizations and private citizens have compromised their values for an "electable candidate" however this is two fold incorrect way to think about it. Firstly what good is it to get a candidate elected if he may vote against the principles that you stand so firmly on? And secondly Mike Huckabee is highly electable. He was elected in Arkansas with a highly democratic leaning legislator. Huckabee has the enthusiasm and optimism reminiscent of Reagan. Mike Huckabee is by far the best in the Republican field.
If you could at least bring this up as a topic of conversation at tonights meeting. I thank you.
Clayton Mercer
College Station, Texas
Within a few hours I received this email response.
Good afternoon!
Thank you for contacting us regarding Mike Huckabee. We are in agreement; we like Mike Huckabee. The Iowa Right to Life Committee is staying neutral on whom to endorse until they meet in the next week. At that meeting, the Committee will decide whether or not to stay neutral or to endorse a candidate. Please know that your comments will be taken into careful consideration as we all work to restore the sanctity of human life in our country.
Sincerely yours,
Iowa Right to Life Committee
I take this response to be a very optimistic one and I hope you do too. If you would like to voice your opinion please write to and let them know why you choose Huckabee and why they should endorse him.
Great news in the Huckabee world.
God Bless America and Pray for Huckabee
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Mike Huckabee stalled?
Just to clarify Rudy should be applauded for his duties during 9/11 but his social policies are 180 degrees opposite of the Conservative rights views and a majority of Americans. It hurts me when a pro-life, pro marriage person tells me they are supporting Fred, Romney or Rudy. Each one of these candidates strays from the common belief that abortion is wrong and marriage is define as between a man and a woman (or a woman and a man) or they can't make up their mind (cough~ritt momney~cough). And the former leaders of the Religous right movement (yes former) have compromised their values for "electablity".
This brings me to point dos the poll numbers and endorsements are low because of this false sense of "Huckabee can't be elected". I hear "He's a Preacher", or "He's too unknown"...well the answer to number one this country is 82% Christian so at most he loses 18% but we cannot claim our other religious groups would count him out because of that. Answer 2: Well back to the first issue.
I believe we have to reach the other faction of the population that doesn't follow politics until october of an election year and get them involved now. The more followers we can get now, the earlier we can get this ball rolling. Tell a friend or family member today hopefully and Iowa or New Hamshire resident.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Kinda worried
God Bless America and Pray for Huckabee
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Pat Robertson what are you thinking?
Huckabee's to do list....
1) Beat Rudy
2) Beat hillary
Your to do list.....
1) Tell someone new today!
2) Join
3) Join a local group
4) Write letters to the editor
5) Sport some Huckabee gear. (
6) Email important people (example: Hannity, local congressman, local news, and of course the 700 Club)
God Bless America and pray for Huckabee
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I'm back and so is Huckabee
God Bless America and pray for Huckabee
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!
Thanks you to all veterans of current and past wars.
God Bless America and pray for Mike Huckabee
Ok I lied..forgive me
The real GOP crisis is this attempt to modify conservatism. Nobody talks like
Reagan anymore. As the Democrats have moved to left, many Republicans have
followed. The campaign is not about rebranding the party. It's about
issues and having the courage of one's convictions
A prime example of a candidate that doesn't meet this qualification is Mike Huckabee. Mike is the true and authentic Reagan conservatism that we all hold so dear. He is Pro-Life, Pro-family and Pro-2nd amendment. Also Huckabee has the great communication and humor that Reagan was so popular for. Mike Huckabee stands on his record and on his convictions. Mike Huckabee stands for the values that Christian conservative care so much about and will not bend and break in the in the face of opposition. Mike has executive experience with a democratic leaning legislation that will no doubtably be the situation in '08. Mike Huckabee make the most sense as the choice for our nomination.
I have class/work tomorrow during open-line friday please someone that echos my thoughts call in and tell him how Team Huckabee feels. Also if any Rush 24/7 members send him an email with a link to this site or copy and paste my article into your email.
God Bless America and pray for Mike Huckabee
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Test time
Monday, October 29, 2007
I remember when...
Also to my extreme pleasure Mike Huckabee will be in the DFW area this weekend and I was planning on going home this weekend so I am planning on dropping in. If you would like to see details about these appearances please click on this Link
God Bless America and pray for Huckabee.
65 days till Iowa Caucus
Another Huckabee promotion idea
Update: I posted a story about a week ago about telling some friends about Huckabee. This friend informed me this weekend that she had told a friend of hers. See how easy this is??? I am a very shy guy and not outgoing at all so if I can do it so can you.
Latest poll.... Huckabee 13%... McCain 13%!!!! That has us tied for 3rd. Way to go Team Huckabee. Keep it up.
God Bless America and pray for Huckabee.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Huckabee Promotion Idea
On October 31st, we will be on our front porch handing out some goodies to local children. While I was making preparations this evening, I had an idea. I’m going to print up some small cards with a simple message …
Mike Huckabee for President, ‘08
Faith. Family. Freedom.
… and I’m going to place these in the little goodie bags we’ll be handing out. Last year we had about 200 kids at our house, so this is an opportunity to easily expand our outreach here in mid-Michigan for Mike’s campaign.
That’s my idea for the day!
I plan on doing this too and I encourage you to do the same.
God Bless America and pray for Mike Huckabee
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Military Trubute
Today at the Texas A&M football game the team's performance was not the first thing on my mind when I left the game. Being a historic military school A&M respects and honors the troops regularly but tonight I feel that the Spirit of Aggieland was in full force 100% behind the troops and veterans of the armed forces. Before the game Mark Dodge was presented with the Pat Tillman Patriot Award. I personally hold both Dodge and Tillman to the highest level of respect as well as all members and former members of the Service.
At half time a special tribute to the veterans of World War II was played and present veterans were asked to stand. The nearly 85000 in attendance then burst into what seemed like a never ending standing ovation.
After the band played President George H W Bush and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates along with Ed Davis, the president of Texas A&M, joined 1st Lt. Dan Moran on Kyle Field. Moran, a former Aggie cadet, served in the Marines in Iraq when in 2006 he was injured by an IED. He suffered burns on over half of his body. Tonight Moran stood at attention, proudly, in his dress uniform as the stadium roared in support of his sacrifices. Moran was awarded a special Navy Commendation with “V” device for valor. I truly am without words at this point so I will leave you with this, please stop what you are doing right now and pray with me. If you do not pray use the following as a template:
Lord, we come to you with our hearts open. We ask you right now to look over our troops and veterans. These men and women have given a great sacrifice for me and I ask you to please look over them. To wounded troops and those who struggle with post war trauma, Lord I ask you to place Your Almighty healing hand on them and deliver them to wellness. And Lord I ask of you to be with the families of the troops. They often sacrifice just as much in support for their loved ones. Lord I thank you for sending such brave and honorable people to this earth. We pray to you Lord in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Remember the troops and their sacrifices daily. Thank you for reading and praying with me. God bless America.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Just to let all 2 of my readers (and thank you by the way) know Team Huckabee and the myriad of bloggers have denounced these claims. I too have read the article and nothing in them is supported by one fact, report, poll, or study. It is all opinion and obviously in response to Huckabee's overwhelming success.
Fight the good fight, Pray for me and Huckabee. And I pray for your strength.
Top tier, Whoop!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Need advice? Well go to and get familiarized with his issues. When talking to someone you know steer your points to what they care about.
Three big issues you can talk about are:
1) Pro-family values
a) Huckabee supports the sanctity of life;
b) Huckabee believes that education should be the backbone of our society.
c) Huckabee support tax reform and low taxes for all.
2) Huckabee knows Islamo-fascists is our number one threat
a) Huckabee will remain strong in Iraq. He desperately wants our brave soldiers home but knows that the fight must be won.
b) He supports Israel
c) He is strong again terrorism at home and abroad by expanding military funding and Veteran affairs.
3)Strong Conservative record
a) Huckabee supports our 2nd amendment right and love to hunt himself
b) He is dedicated to securing the border.
c) Dedicated to protecting marriage.
Huckabee is highly electable. He is enthusiastic and optimistic. Huckabee believes that government doesn't belong to the few and rich but to the many. The United States of American was founded on the philosophy of involvement of the people and the grassroots effort. Mike Huckabee was a highly effective governor in a Democratic leaning state. Think about spreading the word about Huckabee.
Start small, tell your closest friend or mom. Remember if every Huckabee supporter told two people it would not be long at all before everyone is America knew his name. I pray for your strength, courage, and will to do the right thing.
God bless America
Hillary lite
Rudy is the product of a scared party. Republicans are scared of hillary and rightly they should be. Her policies are dangerous, not to mention expensive. Any informed voter must know that hillary is the wrong choice, but who else should I vote for? Rudy? Doesn't Rudy side with hillary on almost every issue? Yes. So why Rudy? Because our party is scared. However this is not the correct response to such a fear. Choosing the lesser of two posions is a ignorant way to vote in a democratic society. We have the power. Recently we(students)were referred to generation Q as in quite. Yea we sit behind our computer screens but have you got out there and told someone about your favorite canidate? Have you wrote your congressman a hand written letter? Have you actively participated in the political process? I am not growing up in Generation Q. MY VOICE is hillary's, big government's biggest fear. What about you? Take a chance, speak out, and change the world. Maybe the next person you talk to never heard of Huckabee before. What do you have to lose?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Debate recap
We'll Huckabee has just continued to amazed us all and I hope Aggies, Texans, and all American will come to see how he is pro-family, pro-life, and the strongest in the War on Terror.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Website down???
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Great news
So this brings me to my next point. Mike Huckabee is a strong supporter of marriage. He believe that this is a defining time in history. The American family is falling apart due to the lack of respect for marriage. With heavy tax burdens on the marriage some find it more "conveniant" forgo marriage. This currupts a future generation that will never know the true meaning of the sacred bonds of marriage. I support marriage and so does Mike Huckabee.
My next point is I was officailly added to the Huckabee blogroll. Whoop!
And finially last night when talking to friends I got a response of "I think this Huckabee guy sounds pretty good, I would vote for him". My brother also text messaged me telling me he thought Mike was the best canidate. I hope I can do my part for the campaign. God Bless Huckabee.
Monday, October 15, 2007
I contacted Mike about a question I had...
Team Huckabee,
My girlfriends parents are both union workers and because of this they
have a hard time voting Republican. Actually that is an understatement,
truly the despise Republicans especially Reagan. They are socially, and
economically(taxes) conservative but due to the propaganda fed to them
by union leaders they vote strait party ticket for Democrats every
I would like to hear about what Mike thinks about on the issue of Union
rights and what could he do to win their vote?
Thanks and Gig'em
Clayton Mercer '10
ps When you coming to Texas A&M?
The reply from Team Huckabee:
Hey Clayton,
Thank you for your interest in Gov. Huckabee's campaign for president! With respect
to your question regarding the Governor's position on union rights, this is an issue
of great importance to him. The Governor respects the right of workers to organize
and, as you can see in his answer to the union question on the recent Republican
debate in Michigan, his blue collar background gives him a unique ability to
understand and relate to the interests of working-class Americans.
Incidentally, Gov. Huckabee has received the endorsement of the Machinists Union,
one of the largest and most prominent labor organizations in the country. Gov.
Huckabee is the first Republican to receive this group's endorsement in well over
100 years! Given his conservative positions on social issues and his innovative
ideas for tax reform, he's the candidate that it sounds like your girlfriend's
parents should rally behind with full enthusiasm!
Again, the Governor appreciates your interest in his campaign. He also needs your
support! Please continue to check the website, and I urge you to take advantage of
opportunities to contribute in various ways, whether through monetary donations,
volunteering in your area, or just spreading the word to vote Huckabee for
Best regards,
Jared Morris
Huckabee for President, Inc.
PS-Scheduling is very tight right now, but hopefully Gov. Huckabee can make it to
College Station one day soon!
Mike once again you amaze me!!! Its a long hard road to victory in '08 but I'm in it with you. Thanks for the quick response.
Post one
I like Mike
Huckabee '08