Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Republican Debate in Texas

Please call, email, and bug the Hell outta Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC to have a Republican Debate in Texas. I think College Station would be a great spot at the Bush Library?!?

Help me get this done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was reading a post in the blog at, glanced at the side bar blogs, and noticed an entry that said "Ags4Huckabee." I wondered if it could possibly mean Texas Aggies, and I guess it did!

So howdy! I'm an Ag, too.

I think a debate in Texas is a fine idea. I also think that the Bush Library would be a great place. However, I don't know if that's likely, given 41's endorsement of McCain today.

I have a question. I noticed the graphic that says you're a member of the College Station meetup group. What sorts of things do you guys do? Just wondering, because I was thinking about getting involved since the primary's coming up soon.
