Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Great Huckabee article someone recommended me
IN making the case for Mike Huckabee's campaign for the presidency, circumstances require that I start with a declaration: I am not now, nor have I ever been, an Evangelical Christian.
It's important to get that disclaimer out of the way, because Huckabee has regrettably been pigeonholed as the "Evangelical candidate" - a swell guy, but off-limits to anyone without a fish decal on the back of the family truckster.
And that's a shame, because Huckabee's appeal could - and, indeed, should - transcend religious or cultural affiliations.
Unlike most other Republicans past and present, this folksy, up-by-the-bootstraps former governor of a heavily Democratic state has a message capable of reaching far beyond the GOP faithful. It's one with a natural resonance for the middle class, for Latinos, for African-Americans, for believers of all kinds - indeed for anyone.
If only that message could get a full hearing.
That it doesn't is in no small part Huckabee's own doing. He has directed much of his energy toward rallying his base, and that's fed all too easily into the media's narrow image of Huck as the smooth-talking itinerant preacher.
Which he is, but he is also so much more.
Given that Huckabee is the only viable candidate consistently committed to protecting unborn human life, it's natural that he would be the favorite of conservative Christians. But for Huckabee, this is more than pandering. It's part of a broader
Start with his strong actions in behalf of racial equality, which date back to the early 1980s, when Huckabee single-handedly took on the unpopular task of integrating an all-white Arkansas church. Later as governor, he worked to end racial disparities in drug-sentencing laws, and appointed numerous African-Americans to prominent positions in his administration while pushing an agenda of racial reconciliation.
Then there's Huckabee's decision to allow the children of illegal immigrants to get in-state tuition at Arkansas' public universities - a decision that irks plenty of GOP stalwarts. But Huck's Gospel doesn't punish children for the sins of their parents. His commitment is to the dignity of the human person - not to party politics.
So Huck bucks the GOP establishment in other ways, too.
Though favoring a strong approach to the War on Terror, he has fairly criticized Bush foreign policy for being, at times, "arrogant." Likewise - here comes that commitment to human dignity again - he rejects the use of torture on suspected terrorists.
On taxes, Huckabee supports reductions that favor middle-class families, not high-end earners or corporations. On trade, he calls for America's partners to stop manipulating currencies and import controls to gain an unfair advantage. On the environment, he's rightly concerned about the dangers of global warming. And on health care, he's serious about extending coverage to poor children, combating smoking and dealing with the obesity crisis.
For these deviations from party orthodoxy, members of the GOP establishment have maligned Huckabee as some sort of crypto left-winger. But these are unconservative positions only if one thinks that conservatism demands rejecting any concern raised by a liberal, no matter how valid, and an adamant belief that the market can do no wrong.
Huckabee, however, harkens back to a more traditional brand of conservatism, one that sees the family, the middle class, social stability and the environment as goods worth conserving.
Perhaps it's because, as a preacher, he spent many years ministering to average Americans personally, gaining a real sense of the issues that concern them - health insurance, economic uncertainty, family breakdown. Huckabee brings a practical approach to politics that's directed toward making people's lives better, not making people's lives conform to some ideological template.
Call his political philosophy whatever you want, but it has the potential to obliterate the tiresome blue-red binary of American politics. Huckabee also has a sense of humor and doesn't take himself too seriously - a refreshing change in modern politics.
Evangelicals are right to like Mike. They shouldn't be the only ones.
Chris Weinkopf, the Daily News' editorial-page editor, blogs at insidesocal.com/friendlyfire. Write to him by e-mail at chris.weinkopf@dailynews.com.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Huckabee is ready to win Florida and the election!
With Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter out of the race, Mike Huckabee is the only true pro-life candidate left in the race. This news is even better because we have secured the endorsement of Congressman Hunter.
A debate will be on MSNBC from 8-10pm Central on Thursday, January 24 from Florida Atlantic University. Spread the word.
I urge everyone that would like to do something for the campaign but doesn't have the money to donate (although even $1 helps use donors code R105) to visit the website and sign up to make phone calls. They numbers are given to you on the spot with a script to guide you. THis is a great way to contact Floridia voters.
That is all I can think of now, I just ask everyone to remain excited about Mike and this is just the start and the end is the White House.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Just a quick note
When you visit search Huckabee and you zip code. You can join a group to help Huckabee's efforts. Yo can also visit hucksarmy.com to find meetup goups near you. Most big cities have one.
List of important dates:
Jan 15th Michigan Primaries
Jan 19th NV Caucus & SC Primary
Jan 24th MSNBC Debate
Jan 29th Florida Primary
Jan 30th CNN debate
Feb 2nd Maine Caucus
Feb 5th is Super Tuesday
Mar 4th Texas
Fundraising ideas: Use Ranger code R105
Get out there and help Huckabee
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Friday, January 11, 2008
Mike Huckabee 's religion is OK to attack
Please watch this clip and read my previous blog post for more info on this video.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Huckabee Prevails in FoxNews Debate
The $1,000,000 goal was pasted just after the debate ended. Please browse my past posts while you wait for further recap of the debate.
Fox News tries to pin Huckabee down see the question and response below:
Fox News: Gov. Huckabee, you signed an agreement with the southern baptist convention that you believed that wives should submit to their husbands. Do you really think with that view that you should be President?
Mike Huckabee: You know, I really love that religion is not allowed in the discussion, except when it comes to me, but sure I’ll answer your question. First of all, that is my belief as a Christian. I believe the Bible teaches us the greatest picture of what it is to love in the picture of marriage. It is not a matter of the husband giving 50% and the wife giving 50%, it is about each giving 100% to the other. The submission issue is a picture of both submitting to the Lord … that is my personal belief and I stand by that unashamedly. However, I didn’t impose my beliefs on anyone as Governor and I won’t as President. Oh, and by the way, if anyone thinks my lovely wife Janet just sits back and lets me do anything I want, then they don’t know my wife … our marriage is a partnership.
Ephesians 5:21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
The passage goes on to tell how the wife should submit to the man. The submission is not one of servitude but a commitment to marriage which is a holy union invented and blessed by God.
Further more Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.
Should we interpret this as a sexist remark that all men should die?
This is a passage about love and commitment please do not turn it into a passage about hate and inequity
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Michigan Huckabee Letter to the Editor
Greatings from Texas,I would like to take this chance introduce you to Mike Huckabee. He is a principled man that stands firm to his beliefs. He cares about the common man and knows their day to day troubles.
Mike Huckabee is dedicated to strengthening America by strengthening the American family. A strong family consists of a definition of marriage, protecting the sanctity of life, and making sure every child gets equal opportunities to healthcare and education. The family is also protected by Huckabee’s plan to reform the tax system to a simpler and fairer system and leading the nation to become energy independent, thus ending the economic, environmental, and national security issues that arise with that. Mike Huckabee will also protect the Constitution and your 2nd amendment rights.
Mike Huckabee cut taxes 90 times in a state that was overwhelmingly Democratic all while never compromising his values. Mike Huckabee is a strong candidate and I urge you to learn more about him before March 4th.
Thank you,
Clayton Mercer
I also have compiled a list of Texas newspapers Click here to see.
God Bless America and Pay for Mike Huckabee
Help support Mike Huckabee with Letters to the Editor
Letters to the editor are generally kept under 200 words and MUST be accompanied by First and last name, town, and phone number.
Good issues to talk about: 2nd Admendment rights, FairTax, education, prolife stance, as well as many others
Abilene Reporter-News - Click here
Amarillo Globe-News - letters@amarillo.com
Austin Statesman - Click here
Bryan Eagle - editboard@theeagle.com
Dallas Morning News - Click here
El Paso Times - Click here
Fort Worth Star Telegram - letters@star-telegram.com
Houston Chronicle - viewpoints@chron.com
San Antonio Express News - letters@express-news.net
Texarkana Gazette - opinion@texarkanagazette.com
Waco Tribune - Click here
Please Click here and here to visit examples of letters to the editor that I have gotten published in the Fort Worth Star Telegram and the Battalion (Texas A&M student newspaper)
I wish you luck in your letter writing!
God Bless American and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Next win for Huckabee: Michigan
Michigan: Real Clear Politics RCP average - 1st Romney 19.8% 2nd Huckabee 18.8%
South Carolina(JAN 19): Real Clear Politics RCP average - 1st Huckabee 32% 2nd McCain 20%
Followed by Florida, the final January primary Huckabee is a close second to the slipping Rudy.
Remember to remain optimistic and spread the word. Thank you.
I would also like to give a list of fellow bloggers in Michigan for further info on how to help the campaign
- http://onemom.wordpress.com/
- http://my.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=MichiganHQ.Home
- http://michiganforhuckabee.com/
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Monday, January 7, 2008
Good luck in New Hampshire Mike Huckabee
God Bless America
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Huckabee wins FoxNews Debate!
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Huckabee and others call out Romney's flip flips
Thank you to the One mom and Kevin Tracy blogs for this info. Spread the truth!
If you do not agree Huckabee won this debate you should agree that it destroyed Romney. McCain, Thompson, Rudy, and Huckabee all exposed Romney's flip flops. Romney does not hold a set of principles and with the new age information sharing that has come with the Internet no amount of money can erase the facts.
Huckabee wins ABC Republican Debate
Foreign policy: This issue becomes a "bash on Huckabee" session. About a month ago Huckabee called Bush's policies "arrogant" and a "Bunker mentality". I disagree with Huckabee on how he stated this but lets ask the classic Hannity question: What would Reagan Do? Please visit this link to learn more
Huckabee calls Romney out on his flip-flops. Romney was against the Surge and Bush's stances before he supported the Surge and Bush's stances. Romney asks Huckabee to let himself to explain his positions to which Huckabee replies, "which one?"
Principles: Romney has no set of values on which his positions are based. He claims his values are derived from the family but has repeatedly claimed anti-family values including not having a definition of marriage, not protecting life, and supporting Gun Control.
Mike Huckabee clarifies the question posed by Bush. Huckabee derives his position for the well being of our country. Mike Huckabee has principles, you may not agree with them but you know where he stands and how he will stand!
Healthcare: I could argue for Huckabee here but the fact is ABC showed socialized medicine in such a bias manner I must defeat the idea in your head that government run healthcare. Last year I went to get my Passport and was promised to get it in 10 weeks. I got it in 20 weeks. This is the government that would be running your healthcare, and you trust them to fix you before time runs out?
Immigration: The panel of candidates all agree that the border must be secured first.
McCain zings Romney on trying to buy votes and negative attack ads.
Huckabee tried to stay out of the issues but I see this as a bad move. Rudy, Mitt, and McCain got most of the play tonight.
Obama v Republicans: Huckabee outlines the differences between himself and Obama. He then draws the similarity of their message of Hope. Huckabee explains that Republicans will loose unless we give Americans a message to hold onto. We must have a positive message and the message of Free market and lower taxes is a message that will raise more people out of poverty than any other.
Energy Independence: Most of the candidates reflect my views that we must become independent because it is a national security issue. Mike Huckabee says it well that when you swipe the card at the gas station you may as well be sending a check to the terrorist. I believe this is true for both the middle east and communist nations like Venezuela.
Deabte is over.
Now to the Democrat debate!
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Mike Huckabee wins Iowa
Keep spreading the word!
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Negative Ads DON'T work Romney
Polls show that the Iowans believe as I do. The polls show that the MILLIONS that Romney has spent to destroy Huckabee have done little. Both ABC News and the Des Moines Register have polls showing the same numbers as in early December. This shows that the majority of Iowa voters are above the low attack ads and seek the truth on Mike Huckabee's record.
Last push and I am very excited. Adding the the excitement I got my Voter's Registration Card yesterday.