Thursday, December 27, 2007
Iowa is upon us
Please visit One Moms blog for a great post about Huckabee
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Romney Attacks on Huckabee Hold Little Water
I like a candidate that stands for the issues and believes in his cause no matter what that cause is. This is a reason I respect "mavericks" like Lieberman, and McCain. I like a candidate that hold strong to his beliefs. I have found this candidate in Mike Huckabee.
I believe Mitt Romney when he says he is Pro-life. I accept his apology and accept his stance. But the Flip-flops don't stop there. His views on marriage and the 2nd Amendment have changed too. These issues are important to me and I cannot have some one that just joined the NRA last year fighting to protect my rights.
Romney's ads are full of holes and hold little truth. I am fortunate that the people of Iowa and the nation are smart enough to see through his lies. With the Internet and the freedom of information we currently possess these lies and half truths will not be tolerated by America.
In his most current ad the many inaccuracies were highlighted by Fact check please click to check them out.
One more item:
I was attacked by an anonymous commenter saying I was ignorant for excluding Romney due to the fact he is a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints. I would like to reply by asking this American to do a quick search of my blog and know that this is the FIRST time I have used the words LDS or Mormon.
Nextly, I will admit that Romney is a master of the economy, few could argue against that. Romney doesn't like the FairTax, I do. We have a difference of views there. On top of that I believe this may be his downfall because Huckabee is more well rounded and better suited for President.
Huckabee has experience on three fronts: Public, Private and Spiritual. I'll start with the spiritual one because you may be confused why that matters in a Presidential race. Huckabee, as a pastor, has met with people of all walks of life. He knows about the problems normal people in America face. Huckabee cares about these problems and is ready to do something about it.
Secondly, his private sector record shows a strong background while working in the communication industry and founding Beech Street Communications. Huckabee has also been noted to many times call for the expertise of the private industry to improve Government operations.
In the public light Huckabee has served as Governor for 10.5 years getting elected in a highly Democratic state and already defeating the Clinton Political machine twice. Huckabee has experience in politics without being corrupted with power.
I picked to support Huckabee after much research, thought, and prayer. I believe that Huckabee stands where he stood 15 years ago and where he will stand 15 years from now. I believe in his resolve for the principles we both share. I have done MY research about my candidate (and the rest), have you?
No matter who you choose, please make sure that when you go to the polls, be it January , Feb, ect. and in November, that your choice is informed and educated. As always I encourage the exchange of ideas on my blog.
God Bless America and Pray for our Troops around the World.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Revolution in the Muslim World
Moderates in Iraq are working with the American troops to expel radical Islamics that would like to do them harm and bring instability to the nation and region.
Moderates in Sudan spoke out against the angry mobs that called for the execution of a British teacher for naming a teddy bear Muhammad.
This is another one of my articles that spans political view and candidate affiliation. No matter how you vote you must know that Islamofasists are the enemy and they are dedicated to the sole destruction of us, our children and our nation.
This war is not about bombs, tanks, or military bases. This war will not be fought traditionally as we have seen. This war will be fought in the hearts, minds, and souls of generations to come. Our greatest ally is the Moderate Muslim and we must embrace their assistance.
God Bless America and Pray for our Troops during this Christmas and holiday season.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Windshields for Huckabee!
Get ready for this Saturday a mass grassroots movement is happening. Visit by clicking the button above and learn more
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Gas for the Huckabus!
Today December 12th many have pledged to give $100 to keep the wheels turning.
Start: $718,756.25 (Eastern Time)
Start: $720,773.24 (Central time)
I forgot that I won't be available for the deadline so as of 9 Eastern 8 Central the total is $877,570.46.
That is over $150,000 in 20 hours!!! Keep going guys and I will see you tomorrow. Pray for me I am getting Lasik tomorrow.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Romney: Huckabee would make a fine President
In 2005 Mitt Romney said that Huckabee would be a great for President of the United States.
The Arkansas News Bureau reported in August 2005 that Romney said Huckabee
would have the support of many Massachusetts Republicans if the Arkansan were to run for president in 2008.
While at the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion for a meeting about health care,
Romney demurred when asked whether a presidential race was in his future but had nice things to say about his host.
“Who knows what the future will hold?” Romney said in 2005. “Most likely,
we’ll all stay as governors or find other offices, but we need to make sure that
we have a strong person who can take the baton from President Bush, and Gov.
Huckabee is certainly one of those individuals. He'd make a fine president.”
Interesting news so I think Mitt should drop and throw he support and money behind Mike Huckabee!
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Monday, December 10, 2007
A Very Important Issue, Thank You Univision
Hugo Chavez has been seen with Ahmadinejad and Kim Jung Il and most recently held elections to suspend term limits to make him the newest Latin American Communist dictator. These are not things to be taken lightly and the forgien policy we must take towards issues like this must be firm. 51% of the population voted down the consititutional amendment removing term limits. Chavez threatened America with his stakes in the oil industry that we would be cut off if we interferred. Luckily democracy prevailed. I would like to thank Univision for bring up this topic because it seems that no one else will. I also thatnk the aduence for showing Ron Paul his dangerous ideas will not be tolerated. how ever I d find it funny that when the crowd agreed with his isolationist view when it can to Iraq and the Middle East but not Venezuela and Latin America.
God Bless America and Democracy.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Politically Correct

Order yours here
Friday, December 7, 2007
Huckabee's Fiscal Responsibility
1) The government overspends
2) The government is inefficient
3) The government overspends because it is inefficient(among other reasons)
Each year we spend billions on red tape, ineptitude, and underproduction of the bureaucracies in our government. I am not attacking anyone agency but the overall government system for irresponsible spending. We need a leader that can take a minimum amount of tax dollars and be frugal and stretch them for everything they are worth.
I think that we can find signs of a leader's ability to do so by looking at their campaign spending.
Mike Huckabee has spent just under 338,000 in Iowa.
Mitt Romney has out spent him 10 to 1!
Looking at those numbers and seeing that Mike Huckabee is leading in the polls shows that Huckabee know how to handle the taxpayers money with care and attention.
If you want fiscal responsibility Huckabee is your man.
Romney attacks Huckabee for being a Life Long Politician:
Recently in an interview Mitt attacked Huckabee for being a life long politician. Basically Mitt outlined that he didn't have the experience to be the President. Mitt pointed to his work in the private sector as him experience then mentioning that Mike didn't have that experience.
Truth: 1983-92: Founded, ran two religious TV stations
1992-96: Executive, then president, Cambridge Communications
Mike Huckabee has both private and government sector experience, not to mention spirtiual.
Now why would spiritual matter in the White House? Other than the fact that he is dedicated to his moral principles Mike Huckabee knows the common man. Mike has sat with and prayed with someone from every walk of life. Mike knows the problems of this country first hand through his experience as a Pastor.
Mike Huckabee is the peoples candidate and a strong one with strong held beliefs and my pick for candidate!
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Thursday's Mobilize for Mike Day
Starting at Zero Hundred hours Thursday December 6th, 2007 Huckabloggers, Hucksarmy, and supporters of all kind are called to action. The plan is to use the resources of the internet to spread the word about Mike Huckabee and his plan for America.
The Goal is to reach 100,000 potential voters that may have never heard of Huckabee or those who have been misinformed. I will be updating my blog as I get more info but I will list some idea on how to spread the word.
1. Use this Link to send emails directly from Campaign Headquarters. This is a good idea if you do not feel confident in writing your own message. I encourage you to write your own because it is more heartfelt and dedicated.
2. Use you myspace or facebook to send a message to all of your friends. You can also change your picture to a Huckabee support button.
3. If you get junk mail all the time saying "pass this on to 10,034 people of have bad luck" steal all the email address from the forward columns. You can then send them a message of support about Huckabee.
4. Huckabee videos are very helpful to spread the word. I will include a list of great Huckabee videos that you can link too.
Believe (Strong Christian Leader)
Chuck Norris endorses Mike Huckabee
Some things are not negotiable
If you ve any questions on how you can help please contact me
Gob Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Monday, December 3, 2007
Much News in the Huckabee World
Tomorrow I will be discussing with you the newest Huckabee endorsement. Huckabee continues to climb in the polls. The College Station Meetup group is up to 10 people and I am very excited about that and I am trying to coordinate a meeting soon. I added a link here on this website. I am very close to my 1000th view so thank you to all my readers. Big news:
We start at midnight Thursday morning...more details to follow...
UPDATE: Best comment ever...Renny Daniel: "something big......... is coming. and its not king kong."
Bloggers for Huckabee, Huck's Army, Volunteers, Supporters and everyone are needed...more details coming soon...
This was a blog post on the Huckabee offical blog. I am very excited about my oppurtunity to help out first hand. If you have a blog please be ready Wednesday at Midnight to help us out.
Aggies got into the Alamo Bowl. I am trying to get tickets.
I wore my "Ags for Huckabee" shirt and got more comments today than yesterday. I even had a discussion with one guy for a little while. Told him the good news of Huckabee leading in Iowa and being second nationally. Really I have Physics homework and need to go but tomorrow I will be updating the site better.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Huckabee Chat
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Saturday, December 1, 2007
I love free speech
hillary is the most dangerous person tht is running for the office of President of the United States of America. hillary wants to raise you taxes and expand government spending. She has even offered up and New New Deal providing socialized health coverage for all. This may sound good at face value but you are losing freedoms. The freedom to choose how you will provide healthcare to your family and yourself. Similar systems ar present in Canada and England. They wait 6 months for emergency surgery. We are talking about the same government the was responsible for Katrina and the 6 months wait for a passport being incharge of your body and well being? Not for me. hillary is the wrong choice.
If you would like to comment on my blog feel free but keep it mature and respectful.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee
Ags for Huckabee tee shirts
Also I saw Send hillary to Mars shirts on funny funny.
God Bless America and Pray for Mike Huckabee