Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Test time
I have to take a break for a couple of days for test season so I will be back on tuesday. Don't forget to spread the word about Huckabee!
Monday, October 29, 2007
I remember when...
It was not too long ago when Mike Huckabee would be on TV one time a week, and if I was lucky twice. Well Ladies and Gentlemen my DVR is going to be full this week! Mike will be making 9 television appearances as well as guest speaking on a few radio programs. Wow how the tides have changed. At this rate I think my earlier prediction of Huckabee being a household name by Christmas will be shattered. With his fundraising numbers creeping up on 1 million in less than a month and the latest poll numbers I think Huckabee will be a household name by Thanksgiving.
Also to my extreme pleasure Mike Huckabee will be in the DFW area this weekend and I was planning on going home this weekend so I am planning on dropping in. If you would like to see details about these appearances please click on this Link
God Bless America and pray for Huckabee.
65 days till Iowa Caucus
Also to my extreme pleasure Mike Huckabee will be in the DFW area this weekend and I was planning on going home this weekend so I am planning on dropping in. If you would like to see details about these appearances please click on this Link
God Bless America and pray for Huckabee.
65 days till Iowa Caucus
Another Huckabee promotion idea
I found a link to a high res poster of Huckabee (found here). I live in an apartment complex on the bottom floor, right next to the stairs. This means that nearly 35 other people will be passing my sign a day, not to include any friends that might come to visit. I am also going to post one in the back of my truck window. Much larger than a bumper sticker and a lot cheaper. I also bought a bottom from the Official Huckabee Store. I plan to put this on my backpack so when I walk around on campus everyone can see it.
Update: I posted a story about a week ago about telling some friends about Huckabee. This friend informed me this weekend that she had told a friend of hers. See how easy this is??? I am a very shy guy and not outgoing at all so if I can do it so can you.
Latest poll.... Huckabee 13%... McCain 13%!!!! That has us tied for 3rd. Way to go Team Huckabee. Keep it up.
God Bless America and pray for Huckabee.
Update: I posted a story about a week ago about telling some friends about Huckabee. This friend informed me this weekend that she had told a friend of hers. See how easy this is??? I am a very shy guy and not outgoing at all so if I can do it so can you.
Latest poll.... Huckabee 13%... McCain 13%!!!! That has us tied for 3rd. Way to go Team Huckabee. Keep it up.
God Bless America and pray for Huckabee.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Huckabee Promotion Idea
Note: I give credit to one mom ( on this one. THank you for letting my publish this is a great idea.
On October 31st, we will be on our front porch handing out some goodies to local children. While I was making preparations this evening, I had an idea. I’m going to print up some small cards with a simple message …
Mike Huckabee for President, ‘08
Faith. Family. Freedom.
… and I’m going to place these in the little goodie bags we’ll be handing out. Last year we had about 200 kids at our house, so this is an opportunity to easily expand our outreach here in mid-Michigan for Mike’s campaign.
That’s my idea for the day!
I plan on doing this too and I encourage you to do the same.
God Bless America and pray for Mike Huckabee
On October 31st, we will be on our front porch handing out some goodies to local children. While I was making preparations this evening, I had an idea. I’m going to print up some small cards with a simple message …
Mike Huckabee for President, ‘08
Faith. Family. Freedom.
… and I’m going to place these in the little goodie bags we’ll be handing out. Last year we had about 200 kids at our house, so this is an opportunity to easily expand our outreach here in mid-Michigan for Mike’s campaign.
That’s my idea for the day!
I plan on doing this too and I encourage you to do the same.
God Bless America and pray for Mike Huckabee
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Military Trubute
Note: Although this is posted on a political blog this following post will have no political over or undertone. Our troops should not be used as weapons in the political arena and I will not do that here. Thank you for your time.
Today at the Texas A&M football game the team's performance was not the first thing on my mind when I left the game. Being a historic military school A&M respects and honors the troops regularly but tonight I feel that the Spirit of Aggieland was in full force 100% behind the troops and veterans of the armed forces. Before the game Mark Dodge was presented with the Pat Tillman Patriot Award. I personally hold both Dodge and Tillman to the highest level of respect as well as all members and former members of the Service.
At half time a special tribute to the veterans of World War II was played and present veterans were asked to stand. The nearly 85000 in attendance then burst into what seemed like a never ending standing ovation.
After the band played President George H W Bush and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates along with Ed Davis, the president of Texas A&M, joined 1st Lt. Dan Moran on Kyle Field. Moran, a former Aggie cadet, served in the Marines in Iraq when in 2006 he was injured by an IED. He suffered burns on over half of his body. Tonight Moran stood at attention, proudly, in his dress uniform as the stadium roared in support of his sacrifices. Moran was awarded a special Navy Commendation with “V” device for valor. I truly am without words at this point so I will leave you with this, please stop what you are doing right now and pray with me. If you do not pray use the following as a template:
Lord, we come to you with our hearts open. We ask you right now to look over our troops and veterans. These men and women have given a great sacrifice for me and I ask you to please look over them. To wounded troops and those who struggle with post war trauma, Lord I ask you to place Your Almighty healing hand on them and deliver them to wellness. And Lord I ask of you to be with the families of the troops. They often sacrifice just as much in support for their loved ones. Lord I thank you for sending such brave and honorable people to this earth. We pray to you Lord in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Remember the troops and their sacrifices daily. Thank you for reading and praying with me. God bless America.
Today at the Texas A&M football game the team's performance was not the first thing on my mind when I left the game. Being a historic military school A&M respects and honors the troops regularly but tonight I feel that the Spirit of Aggieland was in full force 100% behind the troops and veterans of the armed forces. Before the game Mark Dodge was presented with the Pat Tillman Patriot Award. I personally hold both Dodge and Tillman to the highest level of respect as well as all members and former members of the Service.
At half time a special tribute to the veterans of World War II was played and present veterans were asked to stand. The nearly 85000 in attendance then burst into what seemed like a never ending standing ovation.
After the band played President George H W Bush and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates along with Ed Davis, the president of Texas A&M, joined 1st Lt. Dan Moran on Kyle Field. Moran, a former Aggie cadet, served in the Marines in Iraq when in 2006 he was injured by an IED. He suffered burns on over half of his body. Tonight Moran stood at attention, proudly, in his dress uniform as the stadium roared in support of his sacrifices. Moran was awarded a special Navy Commendation with “V” device for valor. I truly am without words at this point so I will leave you with this, please stop what you are doing right now and pray with me. If you do not pray use the following as a template:
Lord, we come to you with our hearts open. We ask you right now to look over our troops and veterans. These men and women have given a great sacrifice for me and I ask you to please look over them. To wounded troops and those who struggle with post war trauma, Lord I ask you to place Your Almighty healing hand on them and deliver them to wellness. And Lord I ask of you to be with the families of the troops. They often sacrifice just as much in support for their loved ones. Lord I thank you for sending such brave and honorable people to this earth. We pray to you Lord in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Remember the troops and their sacrifices daily. Thank you for reading and praying with me. God bless America.
Friday, October 26, 2007
We have done it and it is official. Mike Huckabee is first tier! Passing Romney at 11% nationally Huckabee has broke into the top tier and at this pace by Christmas will be neck and neck with Rudy(hillary-lite). With this jump the attacks have poured in. The Wall Street Journal and CBN news have attacked. This I find very odd whereas CNB I would expect to support a Christian Conservative like Huckabee and the WSJ has a very conservative editorial page.
Just to let all 2 of my readers (and thank you by the way) know Team Huckabee and the myriad of bloggers have denounced these claims. I too have read the article and nothing in them is supported by one fact, report, poll, or study. It is all opinion and obviously in response to Huckabee's overwhelming success.
Fight the good fight, Pray for me and Huckabee. And I pray for your strength.
Top tier, Whoop!
Just to let all 2 of my readers (and thank you by the way) know Team Huckabee and the myriad of bloggers have denounced these claims. I too have read the article and nothing in them is supported by one fact, report, poll, or study. It is all opinion and obviously in response to Huckabee's overwhelming success.
Fight the good fight, Pray for me and Huckabee. And I pray for your strength.
Top tier, Whoop!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
A major polling group the Rasmussen Reports has Huckabee at 10% and that is only 11% away from the leader, Rudy. This is a great achievement. Coupled with the outstanding fundraising numbers this could achieve what we all want. A complete surge into the "top tier" and national airtime. I believe we need to do our jobs as well. Write letters to the editor, call into Rushbo, Hannity, and others. Tell your friends and family about Huckabee.
Need advice? Well go to and get familiarized with his issues. When talking to someone you know steer your points to what they care about.
Three big issues you can talk about are:
1) Pro-family values
a) Huckabee supports the sanctity of life;
b) Huckabee believes that education should be the backbone of our society.
c) Huckabee support tax reform and low taxes for all.
2) Huckabee knows Islamo-fascists is our number one threat
a) Huckabee will remain strong in Iraq. He desperately wants our brave soldiers home but knows that the fight must be won.
b) He supports Israel
c) He is strong again terrorism at home and abroad by expanding military funding and Veteran affairs.
3)Strong Conservative record
a) Huckabee supports our 2nd amendment right and love to hunt himself
b) He is dedicated to securing the border.
c) Dedicated to protecting marriage.
Huckabee is highly electable. He is enthusiastic and optimistic. Huckabee believes that government doesn't belong to the few and rich but to the many. The United States of American was founded on the philosophy of involvement of the people and the grassroots effort. Mike Huckabee was a highly effective governor in a Democratic leaning state. Think about spreading the word about Huckabee.
Start small, tell your closest friend or mom. Remember if every Huckabee supporter told two people it would not be long at all before everyone is America knew his name. I pray for your strength, courage, and will to do the right thing.
God bless America
Need advice? Well go to and get familiarized with his issues. When talking to someone you know steer your points to what they care about.
Three big issues you can talk about are:
1) Pro-family values
a) Huckabee supports the sanctity of life;
b) Huckabee believes that education should be the backbone of our society.
c) Huckabee support tax reform and low taxes for all.
2) Huckabee knows Islamo-fascists is our number one threat
a) Huckabee will remain strong in Iraq. He desperately wants our brave soldiers home but knows that the fight must be won.
b) He supports Israel
c) He is strong again terrorism at home and abroad by expanding military funding and Veteran affairs.
3)Strong Conservative record
a) Huckabee supports our 2nd amendment right and love to hunt himself
b) He is dedicated to securing the border.
c) Dedicated to protecting marriage.
Huckabee is highly electable. He is enthusiastic and optimistic. Huckabee believes that government doesn't belong to the few and rich but to the many. The United States of American was founded on the philosophy of involvement of the people and the grassroots effort. Mike Huckabee was a highly effective governor in a Democratic leaning state. Think about spreading the word about Huckabee.
Start small, tell your closest friend or mom. Remember if every Huckabee supporter told two people it would not be long at all before everyone is America knew his name. I pray for your strength, courage, and will to do the right thing.
God bless America
Hillary lite
Same nasty taste, half the calories.
Rudy is the product of a scared party. Republicans are scared of hillary and rightly they should be. Her policies are dangerous, not to mention expensive. Any informed voter must know that hillary is the wrong choice, but who else should I vote for? Rudy? Doesn't Rudy side with hillary on almost every issue? Yes. So why Rudy? Because our party is scared. However this is not the correct response to such a fear. Choosing the lesser of two posions is a ignorant way to vote in a democratic society. We have the power. Recently we(students)were referred to generation Q as in quite. Yea we sit behind our computer screens but have you got out there and told someone about your favorite canidate? Have you wrote your congressman a hand written letter? Have you actively participated in the political process? I am not growing up in Generation Q. MY VOICE is hillary's, big government's biggest fear. What about you? Take a chance, speak out, and change the world. Maybe the next person you talk to never heard of Huckabee before. What do you have to lose?
Rudy is the product of a scared party. Republicans are scared of hillary and rightly they should be. Her policies are dangerous, not to mention expensive. Any informed voter must know that hillary is the wrong choice, but who else should I vote for? Rudy? Doesn't Rudy side with hillary on almost every issue? Yes. So why Rudy? Because our party is scared. However this is not the correct response to such a fear. Choosing the lesser of two posions is a ignorant way to vote in a democratic society. We have the power. Recently we(students)were referred to generation Q as in quite. Yea we sit behind our computer screens but have you got out there and told someone about your favorite canidate? Have you wrote your congressman a hand written letter? Have you actively participated in the political process? I am not growing up in Generation Q. MY VOICE is hillary's, big government's biggest fear. What about you? Take a chance, speak out, and change the world. Maybe the next person you talk to never heard of Huckabee before. What do you have to lose?
big government,
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Debate recap
Yea I know I'm a bad Huckabee supporter, I had the debate recorded and just finished it. Huckabee did awesome like always, however John McCain stepped up. His "tied up" statement was by far the greatest thing I have ever experienced. Fred also stepped up however he still isn't Reagan reincarnate. Romney also changed his appreince a little and didn't look like a wax figure. Giuliani is showing more and more how liberal he truely is.
We'll Huckabee has just continued to amazed us all and I hope Aggies, Texans, and all American will come to see how he is pro-family, pro-life, and the strongest in the War on Terror.
We'll Huckabee has just continued to amazed us all and I hope Aggies, Texans, and all American will come to see how he is pro-family, pro-life, and the strongest in the War on Terror.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Website down???
Due to high volume of traffic the Mike Huckabee website is loading very slowly and at times down. Because of this I am very excited. I haven't finished watching the debate yet and when I do I will recap with my thoughts.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Great news
Its been a couple of busy day since I last posted on here. To start off, I got engaged last night to Kristen Marie. So the "girlfriend" I spoke about in the previous post is now the bride to be.
So this brings me to my next point. Mike Huckabee is a strong supporter of marriage. He believe that this is a defining time in history. The American family is falling apart due to the lack of respect for marriage. With heavy tax burdens on the marriage some find it more "conveniant" forgo marriage. This currupts a future generation that will never know the true meaning of the sacred bonds of marriage. I support marriage and so does Mike Huckabee.
My next point is I was officailly added to the Huckabee blogroll. Whoop!
And finially last night when talking to friends I got a response of "I think this Huckabee guy sounds pretty good, I would vote for him". My brother also text messaged me telling me he thought Mike was the best canidate. I hope I can do my part for the campaign. God Bless Huckabee.
So this brings me to my next point. Mike Huckabee is a strong supporter of marriage. He believe that this is a defining time in history. The American family is falling apart due to the lack of respect for marriage. With heavy tax burdens on the marriage some find it more "conveniant" forgo marriage. This currupts a future generation that will never know the true meaning of the sacred bonds of marriage. I support marriage and so does Mike Huckabee.
My next point is I was officailly added to the Huckabee blogroll. Whoop!
And finially last night when talking to friends I got a response of "I think this Huckabee guy sounds pretty good, I would vote for him". My brother also text messaged me telling me he thought Mike was the best canidate. I hope I can do my part for the campaign. God Bless Huckabee.
Monday, October 15, 2007
I contacted Mike about a question I had...
Around 10/8/07 I wrote to Mike with a question, here is the email and reply:
Team Huckabee,
My girlfriends parents are both union workers and because of this they
have a hard time voting Republican. Actually that is an understatement,
truly the despise Republicans especially Reagan. They are socially, and
economically(taxes) conservative but due to the propaganda fed to them
by union leaders they vote strait party ticket for Democrats every
I would like to hear about what Mike thinks about on the issue of Union
rights and what could he do to win their vote?
Thanks and Gig'em
Clayton Mercer '10
ps When you coming to Texas A&M?
The reply from Team Huckabee:
Hey Clayton,
Thank you for your interest in Gov. Huckabee's campaign for president! With respect
to your question regarding the Governor's position on union rights, this is an issue
of great importance to him. The Governor respects the right of workers to organize
and, as you can see in his answer to the union question on the recent Republican
debate in Michigan, his blue collar background gives him a unique ability to
understand and relate to the interests of working-class Americans.
Incidentally, Gov. Huckabee has received the endorsement of the Machinists Union,
one of the largest and most prominent labor organizations in the country. Gov.
Huckabee is the first Republican to receive this group's endorsement in well over
100 years! Given his conservative positions on social issues and his innovative
ideas for tax reform, he's the candidate that it sounds like your girlfriend's
parents should rally behind with full enthusiasm!
Again, the Governor appreciates your interest in his campaign. He also needs your
support! Please continue to check the website, and I urge you to take advantage of
opportunities to contribute in various ways, whether through monetary donations,
volunteering in your area, or just spreading the word to vote Huckabee for
Best regards,
Jared Morris
Huckabee for President, Inc.
PS-Scheduling is very tight right now, but hopefully Gov. Huckabee can make it to
College Station one day soon!
Mike once again you amaze me!!! Its a long hard road to victory in '08 but I'm in it with you. Thanks for the quick response.
Team Huckabee,
My girlfriends parents are both union workers and because of this they
have a hard time voting Republican. Actually that is an understatement,
truly the despise Republicans especially Reagan. They are socially, and
economically(taxes) conservative but due to the propaganda fed to them
by union leaders they vote strait party ticket for Democrats every
I would like to hear about what Mike thinks about on the issue of Union
rights and what could he do to win their vote?
Thanks and Gig'em
Clayton Mercer '10
ps When you coming to Texas A&M?
The reply from Team Huckabee:
Hey Clayton,
Thank you for your interest in Gov. Huckabee's campaign for president! With respect
to your question regarding the Governor's position on union rights, this is an issue
of great importance to him. The Governor respects the right of workers to organize
and, as you can see in his answer to the union question on the recent Republican
debate in Michigan, his blue collar background gives him a unique ability to
understand and relate to the interests of working-class Americans.
Incidentally, Gov. Huckabee has received the endorsement of the Machinists Union,
one of the largest and most prominent labor organizations in the country. Gov.
Huckabee is the first Republican to receive this group's endorsement in well over
100 years! Given his conservative positions on social issues and his innovative
ideas for tax reform, he's the candidate that it sounds like your girlfriend's
parents should rally behind with full enthusiasm!
Again, the Governor appreciates your interest in his campaign. He also needs your
support! Please continue to check the website, and I urge you to take advantage of
opportunities to contribute in various ways, whether through monetary donations,
volunteering in your area, or just spreading the word to vote Huckabee for
Best regards,
Jared Morris
Huckabee for President, Inc.
PS-Scheduling is very tight right now, but hopefully Gov. Huckabee can make it to
College Station one day soon!
Mike once again you amaze me!!! Its a long hard road to victory in '08 but I'm in it with you. Thanks for the quick response.
Post one
I am really busy today and have a test to study for but I would like to start out by saying.
I like Mike
Huckabee '08
I like Mike
Huckabee '08
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